
Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 08-27-2006 16:22 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2006 16:22 »
Originally posted by dawoodz: Kind of, but how would the Simpson's be able to interact with reality when, they believe that they are actual real-life and are unaware that they are a TV show and that a parrelal dimension of reality (where us and Futrama exsist). My theory is that the FuturamaVerse and the SimpsonsVerse were once the same universe, but split off when God flipped a coin to deside what colour to make humans. Heads:Pink Tails: Yellow In the FuturamaVerse it was heads. In the SimpsonsVerse it was tails. Further changes occured, in Simpverse Mulder and Scully are real people as is Jay Sherman. Perhaps this universe is a TV show in the FuturamaVerse. HELLO PEOPLE OF NEW NEW YORK WELCOME TO THE YARDSTICK 2006 SHOW!!!

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #9 on: 08-28-2006 07:22 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2006 07:22 »
'Total nerduk'? Odd, I always thought it was 'Total turduk'... Hmm... Incidentally, I believe this thread already exists. Anywho, in the meanwhile... Look closely at the medal on Bender's sash...  Or this.., one of my favorites...  And of course... 

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #11 on: 08-28-2006 07:31 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2006 07:31 »
Oops, sorry if I missed that!  Anywhat, perhaps these three links may help? I'm going, I'm going!

DOOP Secretary

Oops, I'm all discombobulated today. It says "David 'Watch Futurama' Cohen". 


That 'David Watch Futurama Cohen' grab is from the Treehouse of Horror prior to the Futurama release.
And they talk about the relationship between the Simpsons universe and the Futurama universe on the DVD commentary for Mars University (I think) as well.


This is pointless. Listen the only reason simpson dolls and the other simpson stuff is in the futurama world and vis versa is because groening is advertising his shows. and the simpson world i snot supossed to be fictoinal.
Starship Captain
Originally posted by magerdoomer_1: ... The simpson world is not supossed to be fictoinal. In your proffesional opinion. It is mentioned in the audio-commentaries by Groening (or maybe David Cohen) that the simpsons IS fictional and that Futurama is meant to be reality.....I agree that some appearences may be cleverly used as an advertisement stunt but.....what your saying about the Simpsons is not true. It's hard to take if you like the simpsons more than Futurama but I'm afraid, it's true......*over and out (of this thread that is)*

DOOP Secretary

Hee hee! If 'The Simpsons' is real, and 'Futurama' is fictional, then why are the people in 'The Simpsons' yellow and the people in 'Futurama' properly colored?

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Arockalypse: In "futurama-Simpsons infinitely secret crossover crisis" the Proffesor said that the barriers between the real and fictional world have become thinner... Comics are canon for neither Simpsons, nor Futurama.
Dave B

Urban Legend
Originally posted by totalnerduk: -sigh-
Matt Groening stated in a TV interview prior to the launch of Futurama in the UK that The Simpsons populate an alternate reality.
Futurama, on the other hand, he says is taking place in this reality a thousand years forward.
Matt stated that sometimes the two realities would intersect, meaning that The Simpsons would have a presence in Futurama (it is a TV show for them, just as much as it is a TV show for us), and vice versa.
Therefore, "Dave B" (if that is your real username), you have chosen to disregard the "official" explanation.
I'm outta this thread. Too many Yardsticks, including Yardstick. It is and no I'm not disregarding anything just don't think its a big factor that needs to be delved into much (Sorry if that shakes you off your pedostal  , too many Yardsticks.... pfff) Also Xanfor The Simpsons isn't supposed to be real it is apparantely in another alternate reality so they can have yellow skin and Futurama is supposed to be real with there normal skin colour but who really minds about this... *looks over to totalnerduk*
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #23 on: 09-03-2006 08:12 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2006 00:00 by totalnerduk »
Originally posted by Dave B: It is and no I'm not disregarding anything just don't think its a big factor that needs to be delved into much (Sorry if that shakes you off your pedostal , too many Yardsticks.... pfff)
Also Xanfor The Simpsons isn't supposed to be real it is apparantely in another alternate reality so they can have yellow skin and Futurama is supposed to be real with there normal skin colour but who really minds about this... *looks over to totalnerduk* Get off your high horse. You're the one who argued, obviously you care about it. I replied to you because if you cared about it enough to disagree with what I said, I thought that perhaps you would appreciate being in posession of all the salient facts. Also, what bloody pedest al? I'm down in the PEEL gutter here. no I'm not disregarding anything just don't think its a big factor that needs to be delved into much *If you don't think that it's a big factor, why bother to quibble? Why bother to even post in this thread? If you're not disregarding the things that I have pointed out to you, then what the hell are you doing? You sure don't seem to be taking notes, mister. , too many Yardsticks.... That's what I said. Perhaps you missed the point. What I was saying with that was that there were too many people (ie; you and Yardstick) so convinced of their own superior judgement that you were measuring everything said against your own private theories, despite the fact that I have been through the DVD commentaries and posted what would appear to be the closest thing to an official explanation that this board is likely to get. Congratulations, Dave. From now on, whenever I see one of your posts, no matter how hard I try, I'm going to be unable to approach it without the preconceived notion that you're completely wrong, and unable to be right on the rightenest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine that fooled folks into feeling that you were right. I decided originally not to reply again to this thread. I unmade that decision for one reason: Your high-handed stupidity filled me with so much rage that I had to vent it somewhere. I shan't be making further responses. Just know that whatever you say next (and hereonafter) will be wrong in my eyes, and the eyes of anybody with a shred of logical reasoning. You utter cabbage. Edit: I can field this one, too: Originally posted by Xanfor: Hee hee! If 'The Simpsons' is real, and 'Futurama' is fictional, then why are the people in 'The Simpsons' yellow and the people in 'Futurama' properly colored?
When the Simpsons was first produced, it was on a tight budget, and they had to cut corners to save money. In the same TV interview I have referenced above, Matt says that yellow ink was cheaper than pink, and since skin-tone is one of the most frequently used colours in each frame, they decided to use yellow skin as a cost-saver. They never bothered to change it, because people got used to the look. Now I'm out of here. *Further Edit: You've already stated that you are disregarding this. Read your own posts. I'm not accusing you of anything, you've bloody well admitted it.------------------ 
 TNUK. PEEL's first 25-star General. Now with 2,000 Nixorbucks. I Nixorbucks! Poster Of The Month April 2006
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #25 on: 09-04-2006 09:02 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2006 09:02 »
Originally posted by totalnerdukI'm going to be unable to approach it without the preconceived notion that you're completely wrong, Your high-handed stupidity Just know that whatever you say next (and hereonafter) will be wrong in my eyes, and the eyes of anybody with a shred of logical reasoning. So you're not on a pedestal then And plus I don't mind if you don't reply to this as the last thing I would want to do is impress someone that is far to up their own behind to say that if you will find my posts to be wrong, that any other person who see's it with any logical reasoning must think so too, ha you really must feel highly of yourself despite your deny's of this claim... To also add I never started any of this, just simply gave my opinion that I don't find it that important and taking offence you accused me of disregarding something from the show, godd... Please do go ahead and post in another thread so I am free of your belittling from your pedestal calling me stupid and finding all of my posts from now on to be wrong, ha! ------------------ Fry Rules!


DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by totalnerduk: -sigh-
Matt Groening stated in a TV interview prior to the launch of Futurama in the UK that The Simpsons populate an alternate reality.
Futurama, on the other hand, he says is taking place in this reality a thousand years forward.
Matt stated that sometimes the two realities would intersect, meaning that The Simpsons would have a presence in Futurama (it is a TV show for them, just as much as it is a TV show for us), and vice versa.
Therefore, "Dave B" (if that is your real username), you have chosen to disregard the "official" explanation.
I'm outta this thread. Too many Yardsticks, including Yardstick.