Originally posted by Kif:
The Futurama Series 1 DVD was released in America a while ago. (I think). It's finally made it's way over to Britain, and I, for one, am buying it. Now that I am a proud owner of a PS2, I can play DVD's whenever I want, and this Futurama DVD will be my third in a month. I want to know what all you Americans think of the Series 1 DVD and is it good quality for money? It's £16 over here, which is probably about $12 over there. I dunno. What's your opinion?
Maybe you should get your information correct before devoting a thread to it. Like Tweek said, there are already many threads about this.
I am very pleased that it will be very shortly time for it's release. I have bought a lot of DVDs lately too such as "The Ultimate Mummy Collection" and "Terminator 2", with the metal box and "Alice in Chains - Music Bank the Videos". I have about 30 DVDs so far and tommorow it will be more
Someone can close this thread now...