Dave B
Urban Legend
Clue 1: Not in NNY Clue 2: A building which isn't on earth Clue 3: Fry stayed at this building for a short period Clue 4: Fry stayed in a small room with a roommate (There you go that should give it away )
« Reply #489 on: 09-09-2006 19:51 »
« Last Edit on: 09-09-2006 19:51 »
The robot insane asylum? With malfunctioning eddie I believe. Or was that on earth? I can't remember.
H. G. Blob
His room at Mars U. How didn't you guys get this before?
H. G. Blob
Fry's dream where he had a test for Ancient Egyptian Algebra.
The basketball court in Old New York, where he finds the seven-leaf clover?