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Author Topic: Questions! Answers! Forthwith!  (Read 22681 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #400 on: 08-28-2006 15:22 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2006 15:22 »

A: You call that an antenna? It's nothing.
Q: Who was the King Parasite's love's name?
TOTPD! Do the Bender baby!
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #401 on: 08-28-2006 15:45 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2006 15:45 »

A: Wormerella

Q: Did Roberto actually die or was he just fatally injured?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #402 on: 08-28-2006 15:55 »
« Last Edit on: 08-28-2006 15:55 »

Q: He wasn't dead or fatally injured. He was back and up and about in two episodes later on. The only thing hurt was his pride.
A: Was Roberto still insane after he fell from the PE building?
Futurama Llama

Starship Captain
« Reply #403 on: 08-28-2006 22:58 »

A: Yes. He will always be insane. THE PLOT DEMANDS IT!!!

Q: Has Roberto ever loved someone? And if so, whom?

Starship Captain
« Reply #404 on: 08-29-2006 04:57 »

A: His mummy, because she used to bake the best transmission fluid cookies in the whole known universe.

Q: What other crimes - besides the ones we've seen in the show - has Roberto commited in his life so far?

Bending Unit
« Reply #405 on: 08-29-2006 10:53 »

A:  Knife-stealing, knife-smuggling, eating peas with a knife, and loitering.  Nobody much cared about the loitering.  Except he kept yelling, "Hee-yah!"

Q:  Who builds criminal robots/robot criminals?
Starship Captain
« Reply #406 on: 08-29-2006 11:17 »

A: Criminals.

Q: How much does a robot cost a company to buy?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #407 on: 08-29-2006 17:45 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2006 17:45 »

A: since robots are made out of old beer cans they are really cheap.

Q: if sandwiches are recycled sandwiches what are manwiches recycled from?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #408 on: 08-29-2006 19:11 »

A: Hmmm...? Do you REALLY want to know. Let's just say its's assitiated with the Soylent Green Company.
Q: What was Zoidberg's foster parent's name?
Futurama Llama

Starship Captain
« Reply #409 on: 08-30-2006 13:42 »

A: Zoidborg, his foster dad, was a Decapodian, but he was horribly mangled in a scuttling accident, so they turned him into a Borg. Zoidedna, his foster mother, wanted him to be a politician, but later changed her mind and wanted him to be comedian.

Q: How old is Dr. Zoidberg?
Starship Captain
« Reply #410 on: 08-30-2006 14:52 »

A: 8 - Zoidy want go outside!

Q: How long do crustaceans normally live for?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #411 on: 08-30-2006 15:44 »

A: 80 - 90 years, depending on daylight savings time.

Q: How long is a year on Decapodian Ten?


Starship Captain
« Reply #412 on: 08-30-2006 15:55 »

A: One revolution of Decapod 10 around its sun.
That equals about 3.1416 Earth years

Q: How many planets are in the solar system Decapod 10 is in? How many of them are inhabitated?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #413 on: 08-30-2006 15:58 »

A: There were 15 planets, but the DAU changed 7 of them into dwarf planets. 23 are inhabited.

Q: How many planets does Sol have in the year 3000?

Futurama Llama

Starship Captain
« Reply #414 on: 08-30-2006 23:11 »

A: About 45.5ish. they are a little nitpicky.

Q: What is Morbo's REAL name?
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #415 on: 08-30-2006 23:18 »

A: If I told you, you would scream in horror for enternity

Q: How does Fry wash his underpants?

Starship Captain
« Reply #416 on: 08-31-2006 03:57 »

A: Fry? washes? his? underpants? He "washes" them by wearing them in the shower...

Q: Where does Morbo's family live?

Bending Unit
« Reply #417 on: 08-31-2006 05:47 »

A: Near Lurrs planet, they are neighbours.

Q: Will Bender and Flexo meet again? If so, where?

Bending Unit
« Reply #418 on: 08-31-2006 06:20 »

A:They already did once,so it is quite possible
Q:How did Leela survive a supposedly lethal dose of neurotoxin in "The Sting"?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #419 on: 08-31-2006 06:42 »

A: Quick treatment and a bottle of vodka.

Q: How come Fry doesn't get easily sun burnt? I mean, he does have red hair.

Bending Unit
« Reply #420 on: 08-31-2006 06:58 »

A:Every rule has exceptions
Q:Why didn't the Sunset squad return for the Professor?
Futurama Llama

Starship Captain
« Reply #421 on: 08-31-2006 07:38 »
« Last Edit on: 08-31-2006 07:38 »

A: Because it was a waste of their money to chase the PE ship, and the PE crew kinda bribed them, as well.

Q: Is the Euro still around in the year 3000?

Starship Captain
« Reply #422 on: 08-31-2006 07:48 »
« Last Edit on: 08-31-2006 07:48 »

A: No. Except for the countries not part of the "Earth Government" (see my post two pages ago), all countries have adopted the "Earthican Dollar" as legal tender.

Q: When and why was the "Earth Government" formed?
Futurama Llama

Starship Captain
« Reply #423 on: 08-31-2006 08:01 »

Q: In 2449, when Earth decided that having more than one government sucked. So they just melded a bunch of governments together, adopting tidbits of their government style, therefore explaining how the Earth Government is flawed in many ways.

Q: When were hovercars invented?

Starship Captain
« Reply #424 on: 08-31-2006 08:14 »

A: I do not know the exact date, but according to "Back to The Future II" they must have been invented before 2015...

Q: Will there be "Mattel Hoverboards" in the future? (I mean, the Futurama future)
Starship Captain
« Reply #425 on: 08-31-2006 08:22 »

A: Coming to a hoverboard store near you!

Q: How much would a standard hoverboard cost?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #426 on: 08-31-2006 09:10 »

A: If you're an average Joe, then about 49.99 US. If you're Bender, it's free. No matter who gets in your way, it's always free...
Q: How did Lrrr and NdNd do with their marriage afterwards? Did it remain good?

Bending Unit
« Reply #427 on: 08-31-2006 09:53 »

A:  Lrrr and Ndnd's marriage continued to be good -- for a while.  Then it went downhill.  Then another _Futurama_ episode had to be written to make it wonderful.  (Oh, I hope, I so hope, that Lrrr and Ndnd will appear in the promised future episodes!)

Q:  How did Bigfoot save Lrrr and Ndnd's marriage the SECOND time around?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #428 on: 08-31-2006 09:57 »

A: They were having another fight about Lrrr's weight, when he trampled in. Lrrr accused Bigfoot of being fatter than he, yet still cuddly. This turned NdNd on, then,..um, you can guess the rest.
Q: What will become of Bigfoot? Will he be hunted down?

Bending Unit
« Reply #429 on: 08-31-2006 10:13 »
« Last Edit on: 08-31-2006 10:13 »

A: Dunno.
Q:Who made Zoidy the staff doctor?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #430 on: 08-31-2006 10:15 »

A: The same guy who made Bender the chef. He had issues.
Q: Will the Luna Park gophers ever tell a good joke?

Bending Unit
« Reply #431 on: 08-31-2006 10:17 »
« Last Edit on: 08-31-2006 10:17 »

A:No,that's their job
Q:How did Mr.Panucci die?(it'd be realy cool if he got frozen too)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #432 on: 08-31-2006 10:47 »

A: After he closed his pizza shop he retired and had peaceful last years off his life. He even scaled mount everest but wasn't seen again. He possibly got frozen.

Q: If Seymore was brought back to life would Zoidberg mistake him of a hot meal?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #433 on: 08-31-2006 10:52 »

A:I'm sure he would, although if he tried anything, the little dog would probably scare the hell out of him and make him 'whoop whoop whoop!' around the room. I'm sure Seymore would enjoy a nice lobster newburg. I mean, Doctor Zoidberg.
Q: If Seymore ever lived again, what other songs would he learn?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #434 on: 08-31-2006 11:25 »

A: The breakfast club (Don't you forget about me!)

Q: What others?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #435 on: 08-31-2006 11:29 »

A: I Will Wait For You, by Connie Francis, I Like To Move It, and the Futurama theme song.  ;)
Q: What would Bender do to poor Seymore if he ever came back?

Starship Captain
« Reply #436 on: 08-31-2006 11:40 »

A: He would stuff him into a sack, toss the sack into a river and hurl the river into the sun. No, wait... that's what Hermes would do to Cubert if he would ever appear in the show again...

Q: Is Cubert still alive? If yes, why?

Urban Legend
« Reply #437 on: 08-31-2006 11:52 »

A:  Yes, he is still alive because he's a heir to Planet Express.  At least he's in boarding school, thus we don't get to see much of him.

Q: What kid's show would Bender turn the P.E. building into?  Pee-Wee's Playhouse or Hey, Vern!  It's Ernest?

Urban Legend
« Reply #438 on: 08-31-2006 12:09 »

A: Probably pee wee's since it has a robot

Q: What TV or movie robot of the past does Bender admire most?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #439 on: 08-31-2006 12:17 »

A: The Terminator! Destroy all humans! Although he'll never be as good as Bender, baby.

Q: How would the suicide booth have worked on Bender if he could be cut up and not die?
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