DOOP Secretary
« on: 06-01-2006 08:41 »
DOOP Secretary
Thanks for clarifying that for me, laptopmoerder.
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Zoidberg: "So that's what human love-making looks like..."
DOOP Secretary
This is why we needed a better title. Of course, we could have forgone a better title if we just had better PEELers...
Zoidberg: This is why you can't let him fall asleep at Black Power rallies.
Great line Dr. T, I was thinking of going in that direction too but I couldn't think of a good enough line.
DOOP Secretary
Sorry if the thread title is bad. I didn't consider the fact that some people wouldn't recognize it. Tough one. I had to decide between DrThunder88, futurefreak, and Fry1077. And... futurefreak wins! Let all the universe fall down before her and all that jazz. You're next, Salutatory Committee Member! (Curtsies)
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 06-02-2006 23:10 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2006 00:00 »
Sorry, but I can't post a caption for this grab. It's far to shippy to make fun of. Plus, Leela doesn't look too happy, and that kind of makes the pic anti-ship, and depressing. I know, I've spent a lot of time analyzing Leela's expressions. And this one just kind of makes me want to cry... You know, Leela not being happy there, and even if she is, knowing that this hasn't really happened yet...
Liquid Emperor
Fry (thinking): Boy, when the package says "action figure" these days they mean it!
H. G. Blob
Bender: [heard off-screen] CRAP! Now I owe Fry 100 bucks!
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
DOOP Secretary
Me! Mine's the only one that made any sense! Na, I'm just pullin' ya leg. (Sorry, I just watched 'The Lesser of Two Evils' yesterday)