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Author Topic: Stupid Questions Get Dumbass Answers  (Read 24344 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #80 on: 04-10-2006 21:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-10-2006 21:54 »

A: It goes into hyperspace and comes out of the change dispensers of pinball machines.  Strange phenomenoa, that is.

Q: How many bars could a bender bend if a bender could bend bars?

Edit: TOTPDQ&A thing

Starship Captain
« Reply #81 on: 04-11-2006 03:12 »

A: It's one of Futurama's Mysterys...

Q: Why has the Professor been missing lately?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #82 on: 04-11-2006 04:37 »

A: Because the crew usually look in the angry dome for him but has moved back to the lab to play with his different bits of string.

Q: Why does Amy have a crush on Zoidberg?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #83 on: 04-11-2006 05:37 »

A: She doesn't

Q: At what age did Bender decide on his finish?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #84 on: 04-11-2006 08:59 »

A: The ass.

Q: If Dr.Zoidberg had digested his food, where would his waste come out?

Bending Unit
« Reply #85 on: 04-11-2006 11:56 »
« Last Edit on: 04-11-2006 11:56 »

A: Out the "wazoo"; the same place where all that male jelly comes from.

Q: Since shinyass answered a question from the previous page, let's revisit Dave B's topic:  At what age did Bender decide on his foghat-grey finish?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #86 on: 04-11-2006 13:31 »

Thank you Quimby lol a little appreciation... ha  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #87 on: 04-11-2006 15:10 »

A:  At age 0 (that is, before he emerged from the robot-creating machine).  Because he comes out foghat-grey in the "Bendless Love" flashback, I assume he chose that color (using a coin flip) inside the robot-producing machine.

Q:  When did Flexo decide to wear a little beard, and why?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #88 on: 04-12-2006 06:10 »
« Last Edit on: 04-12-2006 06:10 »

A: to try and get all the ladybots, in otherwords, Angaline (please don't laugh at my spelling), and chosen it after he was constructed

Q: Speaking of beards, why did Roberto decided to wear his own beard in court?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #89 on: 04-12-2006 06:35 »

A: Obviously so he wasn't recognised as beng the robber of the bank lol

Q: What ever happened to PE's 1-X Robot?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #90 on: 04-12-2006 08:08 »

A: They must of got rid of it, not very comfortable for bender!

Q: If Dr.Zoidberg went to medical school, why isn't he an expert on humans?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #91 on: 04-12-2006 08:41 »
« Last Edit on: 04-12-2006 08:41 »

A: As he went to medical school at Decapodian 10 so the knowledge on medicine was only for Decapodians

Q: Where has Zap's lust for Valor originated from?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #92 on: 04-12-2006 11:23 »

A: Most likely the family genes...

Q: Fry was frozen at midnight, year 2000. If Fry was frozen for 1,000 years, why did he end up waking in the year 2999?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #93 on: 04-12-2006 11:31 »

A: He didn't , he woke up in the year 3000 (JUST) http://www.gotfuturama.com/Multimedia/FrameGrabs/1ACV01/Grabs/pic00123.jpg

Q: What happened to the down graded robots?

Bending Unit
« Reply #94 on: 04-12-2006 11:47 »
« Last Edit on: 04-12-2006 11:47 »

A: <<Insert tape>> "Your mother!"
But seriously, since the down-graded robots were a figment of Bender's electrically distorted imagination, they went back to the part of Bender's computing brain where they came from: the medula oblongdata.

Q: Who is the most famous robot in history (or future, depending on how you look at it), and what did he do?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #95 on: 04-12-2006 19:55 »

A: Preacherbot for being the first preacher to be packing a knife.

Q: Who is the least famous robot and why?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #96 on: 04-13-2006 04:15 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 04:15 »

but leela says "yup, it's december 31st, 2999, which concludes that he woke up on that year.

A: Tiny Tim because he's not thought of if he has to live a life with no money.

Q: Why is Dr.Zoidberg deperetly poor and miserably lonely?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #97 on: 04-13-2006 04:20 »

A: Because he isn't normal. And anyone that isn't a white male should be discriminated against. (Joke)

Q: Why is Bender extremely rich and very loveable?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #98 on: 04-13-2006 04:25 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 04:25 »

A: He joined the Ultimate Robot Fighting league, which made him popular,(& rich) ,also made chick-bots to love him. But it soon all falls...

Q: The programme "Teenage mutant leela turtles" (don't laugh if i got that wrong), bender was getting younger and younger, but why does he shrink and later becomes a blue print CD? When he was constructed, he was made fully grown!
H. G. Blob

« Reply #99 on: 04-13-2006 04:29 »

A: That was when he came out of the production machine. There might've been several other machines before that.

Q: Why didn't Bender just fight Robot 1-X?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #100 on: 04-13-2006 04:34 »

A: He was scared of him, but later he tried to when he was installing the fake satellite dish.

Q: Why is it Fry, Leela and Bender always get chosen to use the "What-if-machine"?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #101 on: 04-13-2006 04:38 »

A: Because they're the main characters.

I think you misunderstand what goes on here. People don't ask questions they don't know the answer to and expect to get a reasonable answer. They ask a "stupid" question and get "smartarse" answers.

The questions and answers don't even need to be about any episode. So lets try it again.

Q: How does the professor live for so long?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #102 on: 04-13-2006 05:20 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 05:20 »

i know the answers, but i keep asking them the wrong way.

A: It's the future, any new technology had been invented before to keep any old person alive. Until then...

Q: Speaking of which, how does a robot live for so long?

Starship Captain
« Reply #103 on: 04-13-2006 05:57 »

Q: Beacuse there a robot they dont have a heart and brain and need oxygen

A: What would a robot heart look if they had one
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #104 on: 04-13-2006 06:13 »

A: A hunk of machinery

Q: Descrive a topic Bender learnt about in his minor of Robo American studies?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #105 on: 04-13-2006 06:47 »

A: John Quinsy Adam-Machine. The earth's first robot president. That came up in his studies.

Q: Would Dr.Zoidberg need to smoke?
Starship Captain
« Reply #106 on: 04-13-2006 07:59 »

A: I don't wanna answer tht I'm metally insucure (HAHA suckers)

Q: How many parallel universes have featured in futurama? (it's not two)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #107 on: 04-13-2006 08:04 »

A: Well, The professer created a number of boxes containing parallel universes. The episode "The Farnsworth Parabox" comes into this...

Q: Is bender jewish?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #108 on: 04-13-2006 08:56 »

A: No because he was born from a machine that gave him no religeon.

Q.)Where did the tiny planes that destroyed benders little city in Godfellas come from?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #109 on: 04-13-2006 09:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 09:00 »

A: Those poor folk living on bender's ass found resources to constucted aircraft like that to the people who get ALL gods wishes! Very unlikely though...

Q: How did Herimies get the brain slug on his head in the first place? (The gender Bender)
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #110 on: 04-13-2006 11:05 »

A: He was on a holiday with Labarbra and had to stop off at the brain slug planet in the flight where the brain slug attached themselves to the crew

Q: Where did Leela purcahse gloves to cover her enor mous forearms with in The Devil Hands are Idle Playthings

Bending Unit
« Reply #111 on: 04-13-2006 11:14 »

A:  From Alien Overlord & Taylor.  (Reference: Lord & Taylor, a pricy NYC store, to belabor the joke.)

Q:  How did Hermes woo LaBarbra away from her first husband, Barbados Slim?

Bending Unit
« Reply #112 on: 04-13-2006 11:44 »

A: The same way he tries to resolve every conflict: limbo. Barbados Slim and Hermes had a limbo-off.  Although Slim actually limboed lower than Hermes, Slim broke his back in the process.  Labarbara didn't want to marry a lame limboer, so she married Hermes.

Q: Do brain slugs have a government on their home planet?  If so, how does it work?  Do they try to mind-control each other or what?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #113 on: 04-13-2006 11:54 »

A: No brain slug lives on thier home planet because all of them are spread out of the various universes

Q: What did Fry and Bender steal after they stole the Gemerald in Less Than Hero?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #114 on: 04-13-2006 12:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 12:28 »

A: They stole more valuables IE money and gems from the museum an elsewhere.

Q: Do you think there's gold on planet Amazonian?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #115 on: 04-13-2006 13:36 »

A: Of course as Bender got the gold and stored it in his chest cavity

Q: Did Calculon ever request his boiler back (ie Bender)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #116 on: 04-13-2006 14:01 »

A: Not after what he did. Calculon got bored with him!

Q: Do you think the omicronians should have taken fry's Wing-dang-doodle?

Bending Unit
« Reply #117 on: 04-13-2006 15:28 »

A: No. They should have still taken his nose.

Q: Did Zapp and fry enjoy snu-snu ?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #118 on: 04-13-2006 17:04 »

A: They loved it and hated it , many times over.

Q: Do you think Fry's fruit salad tree really got enough sunlight?

Starship Captain
« Reply #119 on: 04-13-2006 17:11 »

A: yes, infact in the original series finale the tree got so large and engulfed New New York and Planet Express must save the Earth. The story never panned out.

Q: What happened to the writer of said episode?
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