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Author Topic: Stupid Questions Get Dumbass Answers  (Read 24342 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #360 on: 05-16-2006 13:59 »

A:They threw them away.

Q:Why did they throw them away?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #361 on: 05-16-2006 14:11 »

A: They smelt like something had dyed in the fabric.

[Leela] "Bummer" [/Leela]

Q: Did Calculons Evil Twin ever walk again?

Urban Legend
« Reply #362 on: 05-16-2006 14:12 »
« Last Edit on: 05-16-2006 14:12 »

A:Nope,he died.

Q: Did he die from bordem from not moving?Or something else?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #363 on: 05-16-2006 14:41 »

A: Calculon had to kill him in a very bad 'Old Yeller' spoof.

Q: Is the Space Pope Catholic? (Sorry for the bad pun)


Urban Legend
« Reply #364 on: 05-16-2006 14:58 »


Q:Then...what is he?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #365 on: 05-16-2006 15:22 »

A: Space Catholic and reptilian.

Q: How long is a Unit 22 Bender's lifespan?

Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #366 on: 05-16-2006 16:28 »

A: 300 years

Q: How did the crew survive the explosion from the bomb in Benders chest stuck in, in War Is The H Word

Bending Unit
« Reply #367 on: 05-16-2006 17:50 »

A: It was an A Bomb, and since it's the year 3000--not only are A Bombs obsolutely fabulous, but us, as the greatest ever, have already invented the CZ Bomb (And Russia has only gotten to the X Bomb!) 

Q: Besides brains or balls, what is the war, and who are we fighting, in the year 3000??

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #368 on: 05-17-2006 12:18 »

A: The decopodians

Q: What ever happened to the fossil of seymore? (please excuse my spelling)

Urban Legend
« Reply #369 on: 05-17-2006 13:04 »

A:Someone stole it and threw it into the sun.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #370 on: 05-17-2006 13:16 »

A: The green house "Gwasses"

Q: What is the name of the boarding school that Dwieght and cubert go to?

Bending Unit
« Reply #371 on: 05-17-2006 23:02 »

A: Intergalactic Place Where You Send Things You Don't Want

Q: What happened to the Australian mate who was doing all of the slave labor at the (recommended by Zoidberg*) camp?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #372 on: 05-18-2006 05:40 »

A: As he was last seen in A Pharoah To Remember, he is still working as a slave and wishes to graduate to becoming a barber some day.....

Q: What did the All My Circuits show do with Antonio after he malfunctioned?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #373 on: 05-18-2006 07:43 »

A: He was melted into 174 slurm cans

Q: How much money does a can of slurm cost?
Starship Captain
« Reply #374 on: 05-18-2006 11:26 »

A: Good question, following the invasion of China by Japan in 2345, there (Japan's) eccomny was so great that a dollar was = to one yen. As a result a can of slurm cost $20,000 which was a tad pricey so they decided to lower the cost to $1.50 - this or course would never happen in real life but........meh

Q: Does fry really have a learnin' disability or was leela just taking the mick in 'A cyclops built for two'?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #375 on: 05-18-2006 12:01 »

A: 'Taking the mick'

Q: How did the traditional freedom tub come about?

Bending Unit
« Reply #376 on: 05-18-2006 12:15 »
« Last Edit on: 05-18-2006 12:15 »

[Smart-Ass Answer]
There were no 'micks', cyclopses, or "learnin'" disabilities in "A Cyclops Built For Two" because that Futurama episode was never made.  "A Cyclops Built For Two" was actually an episode of "Futuramalama-Ding-Dong"; a clone of "A Bicyclops Built For Two."  Futuramalama-Ding-Dong is a Taiwanese-made poorly dubbed clone of Futurama, containing explicit sexual scenes.  I'm sure you can imagine what happened in the episode "A Cyclops Built for Two", and why they named it such.
[/Smart-Ass Answer]

EDIT: Oops, I took too long.
Answer to 'How did the traditional Freedom Tub Come About?': The inventor of Freedom Day, Nudey McSkin, was a nudist congressman.  After introducing the bill that later declare celebrating Freedom Day, everyone wanted to celebrate with Congressman McSkin.  So, after some more debate, they decided to add a pool to the Congress, but it wouldn't fit in the building, so they settled on a hot tub.  It was Congressman McSkin's tub, and he never allowed anyone in his tub with clothes on.  So the other Congresspeople joined in, and eventually it became a tradition, and became known as the "Freedom Tub".

Q: Where does the car manufacturer get all of the eagles needed for the Beta Romeo, as seen in the PYHOMS episode?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #377 on: 05-18-2006 16:25 »

A: Kyoto japan

Q: Why do they use eagles?

Urban Legend
« Reply #378 on: 05-18-2006 21:18 »

A:It's easier.

Q:What would they use if eagels were extinct?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #379 on: 05-19-2006 03:53 »

A: The hooves of mountain goats.

Q: What is one of the key features of the Ford-Thunder-Cougar-Falcon-Bird?
Mas Rarraf

Starship Captain
« Reply #380 on: 05-19-2006 05:05 »

A: It has a unique Eagle theme, mixed with some leopard.

Q: What is one of the key features of the 'Holden-Lightning-Lion-Shark-Fish?'  :p
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #381 on: 05-19-2006 05:06 »

A: It sprouts wings to glide over congested traffic jams

Q: As Bender was made in Mexico, then why did he decide to move to New New York?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #382 on: 05-19-2006 11:31 »

A: NNY has the only bending plant in the known universe.

Q: Where does Dr.Zoidberg's cousin Zoidfarb live?

Bending Unit
« Reply #383 on: 05-19-2006 11:35 »
« Last Edit on: 05-19-2006 11:35 »

A: It's wasn't his decision.  After being manufactuered, he was purchased by a spaceship construction shop in NNY, to bend the all-important roughly L-Shaped girders.  His job was to bend the girders to "30 degree, 32 degrees, you name it! 31."
Edit: too slow...

A: Zoidfarb lives in a dumpster, just like Zoidberg.  Except, his dumpster is ritzier, because it's located outside of L.A.'s famous The Ritz Hotel.

Q: When did Bender become suicidal after he moved to NNY and why?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #384 on: 05-19-2006 11:39 »
« Last Edit on: 05-19-2006 11:39 »

A: A day before he met fry and because he realised that the gurders he bent were for suicide booths.

Q: why doesn't he like that?

Starship Captain
« Reply #385 on: 05-19-2006 12:24 »

A: Because he can't kill all humans if the humans are killing themselves.

Q: Has Fry ever been in a Turkish prison?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #386 on: 05-19-2006 13:58 »

A: No, but he has been in a british prison.

Q: why did he go there?
Starship Captain
« Reply #387 on: 05-19-2006 15:04 »

A: Because we have class

Q: Is hermes fond of cricket, comin' from jamica and all.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #388 on: 05-19-2006 15:09 »

Off topic: Yeah, we do have class. Good on you.

On topic A: Na, he prefers to clean up his office for an inspection the next day.

Q: Who changed the hours in the day from 24 to 27?
Starship Captain
« Reply #389 on: 05-19-2006 15:40 »

A: farmers - damn daylight saving mileniums!

Q:why does droping a ice cube in the ocean prevent global warming?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #390 on: 05-19-2006 15:48 »

A: No-one knows , it's a mystery. Nature took it's own course.

Q: What ever happened to Kif and Amys babies?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #391 on: 05-19-2006 16:05 »

A: They remained in the lake which Kif was born in (remember, they take 25 years to sprout legs and finnaly be a grown up)

Q: Why would Kif be happy about having kids?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #392 on: 05-19-2006 16:49 »

Yeah I knew that. I meant what happened when they grew up. I just didnt state the question properly.

Urban Legend
« Reply #393 on: 05-19-2006 19:08 »

A: Kiff would be happy because having kids was one of his dreams?

Q:  If Hermes hates Zoidberg so much, why were they sleeping in a tent together? 

Urban Legend
« Reply #394 on: 05-19-2006 21:49 »
« Last Edit on: 05-19-2006 21:49 »

A:Oh you don't want to know......well ok,They were....trading marbles.lol

Q:Why would they be trading marbles in a tent,alone at night? 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #395 on: 05-20-2006 07:18 »

A: It might be a new fat cred.

Q: If Dr.zoidberg doesn't eat as much as fry, leela etc, why is he so fat? (rule out male jelly)
Starship Captain
« Reply #396 on: 05-20-2006 11:46 »
« Last Edit on: 05-20-2006 11:46 »

A: A collection of things;

--- He has many organs e.g. 3 hearts, all of which take up more room.
--- He has both male jelly (eww) and ink.
---He has a thickish shell.
---Altho he has very few set meals, he satisfies his hunger with cans, bottles etc.

Q: Why does ziodberg have so many organs?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #397 on: 05-20-2006 12:16 »

A: A decapodian has always been like that, mystery i guess

Q: How are human heads kept alive in jars?
Starship Captain
« Reply #398 on: 05-20-2006 12:45 »

A: All oxygen, glucose, blood and wotnot is supplied to the head through wot top scientist's believe is a miricle.

Q: Why is benders brain a floppy disk?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #399 on: 05-20-2006 12:48 »

A: What else can it be? A floppy disk stores information in it, so it can be used as bender's brain.

Q: What alternative energy could consume instead of alchol and mineral oil?
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