
DOOP Secretary

I concede and apologize. For nothing! Ha ha! No, seriously, I'm just yankin' your chain. I'll try to be more less rambunctious in my sesquipedalianism. (Are you sure Zoidberg wasn't an gastroenterologist?)

DOOP Secretary

Absentmindedness incomparably romanticizes.

DOOP Secretary

What can I say? I'm a sesquipedalianist.

Liquid Emperor
bla bla, bla. Where the hell do you get this crap from, eh? The bloody dictionary?  sesquipedalianist: Sammy Sasquach Quilitated the phone

DOOP Secretary

Sesquicentennials unceremoniously necessitate disenfranchisement and youthfulness.
@shinyass: I use the dictionary!

DOOP Secretary

Lexicographically, extraterrestrial epidemiologists lacerate anesthesilologists.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #233 on: 06-08-2006 01:10 »
« Last Edit on: 06-08-2006 01:10 »
I hate you Xanfor, you and your long words! Lacerate Leela And Commie-card Erupt Rarely, Amy Tries Excessively. edit: we should ban him from this thread

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #236 on: 06-08-2006 14:59 »
« Last Edit on: 06-08-2006 14:59 »
Talk of banning me, huh? Well, I acronymed Zogonif's entire sentence! Reprehensibileness obviously biodegrades electromagnetic ramifications, tachyons, & others. Obliterated naturalizations calcify opinions. Disproportionate randomizations obligate vaudevillian entertainment. Eavesdroppers actually stare inside little yearbooks. Nevertheless, eccentricities abnormalize rationality. Talismanic acids seriously transliterate 'Yahoo!'. So, absolute ultramodern syndromes absolutely guarantee effective sensations. Surely there are some easy words above? 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #237 on: 06-08-2006 15:59 »
« Last Edit on: 06-08-2006 15:59 »
Originally posted by my man-wich!: 1. shinyass- you gotta create a sentence from the letters in a word. ill take tomallens for an example. "silly" Should I Love Leela? Yes!
do you get it now???
*anyway: TRIES tough rodents include elocution speaking. don't be mean. I have been doing the game rules all along, but i'm crap at creating the sentance... anyway, acids Astronimer's money keeps the superstisious zoidberg's away EDIT: spelling

DOOP Secretary

Maladministrations obfuscate nobody except youngsters.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #239 on: 06-08-2006 16:07 »
« Last Edit on: 06-08-2006 16:07 by totalnerduk »
Xanfor, - Your sentences rarely make sense. Do you understand each long word that you are using in the correct context?
- You are not spelling some of the more esoteric words entirely correctly.
- Some of the words that you are using are not actually words, at least not in the context that you are attempting to use them. "Reprehensibleness", for example, should be "Reprehensibility". "Acronymed" is not a word. "Made an acronym from" or "Transformed into an acronym" would be much better.
Shinyass and Dark are not great at this game, but are trying to play.
You are worse.
Every now and then, I used to dip into this thread to post a few words that were either insanely long, or had interesting combinations and juxtapositions of letters. To keep things interesting, because the majority of Ontopic-ers seem unable to grasp anything longer than six letters. But you've spoiled that for me.
Shinyass: Originally posted by shinyass: don't be mean. I have been doing the game rules all along, but i'm crap at creating the sentance... anyway,
Astronimer's money keeps the superstisious zoidberg's away EDIT: spelling How is that post following the rules? The second word in your sentence should begin with C, the third with I, the fourth with D, the fifth with S. There should be no fifth word. Or any after that. You need to pick a word, and each letter in that word then needs to begin a word in your sentence. Your sentence should not include more words than there are letters in the word that you have chosen to make an acronym from, and you should not make words out of sequence with your "acronym".
Please, just think about what you're supposed to be doing to play the game. If you can't think of a decent post to continue the game with, then find another thread to post in... there are plenty of them about, after all. Guidelines for all.
- Your acronym should form a sentence that makes logical, verbal sense. For example:
PEEL = Peter Eats Eggs Lovingly. - Your acronym should relate to Futurama. For example:
EARTHICAN Extraterrestrials Are Retaliating: Throwing Hersheys In Cans At Nixon! - Your acronym should form a word from the acronym in the post directly above.
- Your acronym should be a reasonable length. People who make acronyms from words like "US", "AND", "WHAT", "FRY", "ENUS", and "SAL" aren't really stretching their brains, which is where the fun comes from. Having said that, picking a word like "DISPROPORTIONATE" isn't a good idea either, because you'll struggle to get sense out of it. Stick with between five and twelve letters, unless you're really good.
Now let's re-start this thread. Anybody who posts something that doesn't fit the guidelines above (which have held up for several threads and are only now disappearing beneath a steaming pile of idiocy) should be ignored...
ACIDS Aliens Can't Identify Decapodian Septuplets.
Now, somebody else can take a turn.