Cheerful Chump


The FOX executives must be some kind of heartless, mindless, sick, dull, boring, sad and miserable, butt-sucking morons. They make me sick. I'd fire them all (out of canon, into the sun  ) if I were there, to make some good, wise and amusing decisions. Considering pros and cons, there is really no reason good enough for canceling the series not only from fans' point of view but also producers' and executives' That series should be a goldmine for those money grabing suckers. I mean People watch Futurama all over the world (I'm from Poland) and become great fans of it. I watched every edpisode of first 3 season ten or maybe fifty times and I really thirst for more. Just like the Simpsons, Futurama is the kind of great creation that after some time starts to live its own life - a creative and adventurous life. One could say it has a heart (God bless Groening for that),and It gives a lot to people. Yet unlike other shows it doesn't give some weak illusions nor feeds those existing - It crushes them with the power of a healthy, honest, cheerful heart, and does it in a most hilarious way. That's why some people hate it as much as others love it. Anyway, prof. Farnsworth should build a doomsday device that's thought activated with stupid ideas, and have his crew deliver the nasty package to a FOX's dumb-decision-making meeting of those soft brained humans (period) P.S. Pardon my english if it ain't correct sometimes. Cheers!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by chinaski: And while I'm sort of on the topic, according to a poll at, Futurama is funnier than the Simpsons. ::looks at Spiff::  Welcome to PEEL, Cheerful Chump. Enjoy it here.  Re: the petition. It's closing on 60000 now, and has managed to stay as #1 or #2 the past 5 days. I've never signed theese online thingys before (I've never been motivated enough), but it's seems pretty impressive.


The artists were called and told we would not be coming back for another season last Monday.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Here the letter I've written to send to that guy he decides TV airtimes and dates:
Dear Sirs
I’m writing this letter in response to Futurama being cancelled; I love the show very much and am very sad that it has been cancelled. Many fans believe that the main reason Futurama is only getting low viewing figures is because of its time slot. I also think this is the main reason for its low viewing figures. The problem is that it is often pre-empted which makes it hard to gain any new fans and in its current time slot it is very rarely on two weeks in succession. It is often pre-empted by sports because Futurama airs at a time when sporting events often overrun. Sometimes The Simpsons pre-empts it but what makes it even more frustrating is that when The Simpsons pre-empts it repeats are shown.
I think it is most unfair for a show of such high quality to be treated in this manner. All I ask is for Futurama to be given a fair chance. Last year Season 4 started in December when ideally it should have started in September. Not only was it started very late, but the episodes shown were from the 3AVC series 3 batch. The reason for this is because Futurama has been pre-empted throughout its existence and a backlog of episodes has formed which need to be caught up on. Currently Season 4 has begun but Season 3 still has seven episodes left unaired.
I would be most pleased if you could change Futurama’s time slot so that it doesn’t run after sports and so that it’s shown weekly. May I also request that when Futurama returns in the fall that it premieres in September instead of December like last year. I am from England so you may be wondering how Futurama’s treatment affects me. I’m afraid that in England Futurama can’t be shown until America have shown it meaning if it’s pre-empted in America it causes a knock-on effect causing other countries’ episodes to be delayed. If you could change its time slot I would be very happy. Thank you for reading.


You want to go door to door like Jehovah Witnesses?


Person at door-"Yes?" Velour-"Trick or treat!!"


Your paper bag avatar was more mysterious.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Just thought I would let everyone know that the Futurama petition has now reached 80,000!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Australian Guy: Well i guuuueeeeesssss Sssssooooo BUT. i neva seens any eps past season 1 and i cant dl it due to crappy cable dl limit. Besides its prob too late now its been like , What a month now? It's not too late, we need new people to keep posting letters so that FOX actually get the idea and can't forget about it.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Re: Channel 4
OK, if you live in the UK, and you want to help Futurama battle against Channel 4 for freedom from cuts, freedom from bad scheduling, and freedom from low ratings, here is your battle plan.
I spoke to Maria King, Information officer at viewer enquiries. She told me that Season 1 Episodes 6 to 10 would run through April, and Season 3 would run “later this year”, which could mean anytime between May and Christmas.
I have suggested that the scheduling department visit PEEL, and CGEF. Next, I was (after a little arguing) given the address to write to:
Mr. M. Thompson (Managing Director) 124 Horseferry Road London SW1P 2TX
Written letters ALL get a response from C4, I have been assured.
I will be specifying that I will require a personal response (from Mark Thompson). Otherwise, Maria King will write to me, and refuse to give away any information whatsoever. As an “Information Officer” this seems to be her job.
I have been assured that all comments go before the board of directors, and that if all the UK viewers ring in to demand a) a suitable timeslot b) uncut shows c) that they actually air it d) that they buy the rights to Season 4 Then someone should sit up and take note. We need about 200 people to ring in every day for a couple of weeks for this to work well. I shall be “doing my bit” once a day every day for a while.
Also, SKY are airing Futurama, but as they are an evil FOX affiliate, they need to be told that the UK loves Futurama, and need to be asked if they will kindly tell FOX to order more episodes from rough draft and Matt Groening in order to placate the UK market.
I suggest that if the US viewers got a minimum of 500 people per day for 2 weeks to ring FOX and make complaints that would reach the top people, as well as writing in to those top people complaining about the standard of information that FOX give away concerning this sort of thing, then FOX would have to do a little sitting up of their own.
If somebody gives me FOX’s phone number, I’ll join in.
In Australia, the best thing you guys can do is, it would appear, suggest to Channel 7 that they sell the rights to some other station, whilst at the same time tell other stations that Futurama is what will line their pockets with gold for the next four years (4 seasons).
If anybody feels sufficiently angered toward Channel 4, and wants to ring them, now would be a good time. Speak to Maria King if possible, and ask for information. Then write to complain about your treatment by the Viewer Enquiries Department.
I am writing my 2nd letter to FOX at the moment, one which I will put up on PEEL when I have found an innovative and eloquent way to get the point across.
Let’s all give this a “second wave” offensive, and then maybe we will get a response.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Today I got a letter from the States. Seeing as the only letters I've sent that way in the last 10 months was to FOX, I instantly thought: "Cool, they actually returned an answer. These FOX types might be alright after all." And then the let-down: my three letters was returned, unopened. Just a sticker slapped across the address, by Twentieth Century Fox, marked: "Addressee No Longer Here. What!!? The chairman, president and program planner of FOX no longer resides at their official addresses, and it was less work for the internal post service of FOX to return the letters to Denmark, than locate their own g**d*** president and chairman!!? Are they complete incompetents at that friggin' network? If they publish the addresses of leading officials they shouldn't be surprised that a few letters would show up, and they damn well better make sure it's the correct adress they publish, or they're just gonna anger viewers more. I've been to the FOX website, I've checked, checked and doublechecked at CGEF, it's the correct adress I've written. What's the matter FOX, can't take a little criticism? [explitive deleted], bleep, bleep bleep bleep network. Okay, I've let of enough steam for now. But this isn't gonna deter me, I'm mailing the letters again, and sending a few more e-mails. The main beef I've got with this is: I could maybe accept it if it was the US Postal Service that returned the letters, but it was FOX' own friggin' internal postal service, and they couldn't locate their own president? Nice structured orginization they got there.  "Where's the President? I 'unno, nobody seen him since last october. What about the chairman then? He went for lunch couple of weeks ago, he hasn't returned yet. He did say he was very hungry though, so..."
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

That is stupid, what a load of incompetents. I hope my letters got to their right destinations, none have been sent back so far.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by [-mArc-]: I got told by someone else that his mail bounced today. Seems like they don't want mail. For the X-Files they once had a "no mail from unknown sources" policy, maybe we managed to get that lovely treatment, too. I can't imagine why else the internal mail service of FOX would return letters to the presidents instead of forwarding them in case they really are maladdressed. I read about that a while ago. FOX, in effect, said to countless of loyal fans of X-files: we'ra canning your favourite show, and we don't want any of your whiny letters about it. Capice? Could be they decided to do the same about Futurama, but they could at least tell us then. They're completely stonewalling us on this. So far I haven't seen a single comment from FOX about Futurama, and as far as I know noone has recieved an answer either. At the very least they could put up something on their website or in the ::Sideshow Bob Shudder:: FOX forums. Hopefully the petition can make them take notice.