

Great, so the Region 1 DVD set of all eps of Futurama, Angel, Buffy, Family Guy, Farscape (hey almost all the same network! go fig!) will be out by what....3000 AD?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

It feel like something has been stolen from me and now a part of me is missing, I wish this was just a bad dream and that when I wake up it will all be fine again.

DOOP Secretary

Alas and alack, it looks like the only show I'll be watching from now is "Law and Order."
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #216 on: 02-12-2002 16:18 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2002 16:18 by totalnerduk »
Sorry for putting it here, but my email is not working: Draft letter to FOX execs.
Dear FOX
I was shocked and dismayed by the sudden announcement that Futurama was not to be renewed for a fifth production season. This show is one of my favourites, and the only TV show besides The Simpsons which has managed to keep my interest over the past few years.
I have since been reading the vast wealth of online material available to Futurama fans, and noticed that there are large communities of international fans, including myself, and several of my friends. These communities are a vast pool of potential revenue for FOX, especially regarding DVD and merchandising sales. It is my understanding that FOX has made a large amount of money out of The Simpsons, and all it’s related merchandising, videos and DVDs.
As an animated show it is understandable that Futurama may be mistaken for childrens entertainment, but I have found that it is an intelligent adult comedy, with an eye towards the same sense of twisted irony that made the Simpsons such a success. Unfortunately, this wonderful wit has not been, in my opinion, properly showcased. Futurama has been pre-empted for American Football and other sporting events, time after time. This has led to FOX having built up a store of episodes which, to dat, remain unaired.
The timeslot at which Futurama was allowed to air in the USA was not a worthy viewing time for the show, and it is therefore no surprise that the ratings have been low. Also, the fact that the show was pre-empted on numerous occasions has not been helpful.
I therefore wish to register my disapproval of the way that the show has been treated, and to respectfully request on behalf of myself and the international fan and online community that Futurama be re-instated in a regular midweek primetime slot. A fifth season should also be commissioned. FOX have at their disposal the vast potential for revenue from merchandising and DVD boxed sets, sales of which have been extremely high and eagerly anticipated.
Futurama is a great potential profit center for your company, and I wish you the best of luck in making money out of the continued success of the show, in the assumption that as a company, you will take the time to reconsider your decision, and renew the series.
Thankyou for your time in reading this letter.
Your name here.


Change "fifth season" to "fifth production season" & it will make more sense.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

One thing that everyone can do is make sure they spread the word, word gets around and there nothing quit like news travelling via word of mouth. Tell everyone, post at other chat sites you go to, tell your friends and get them to at least sign the petition.


Rodney King-"Can't we all just get along?!"

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

just another depressing thing in my meaningless pathetic life

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

btw, welcome to PEEL rkbentley

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

you too cellery. welcome


I have watched Futurama off and on... then when I get into it they cancel it... damn I have bad luck!


This sucks serious ass, I am pissed off and too depressed to even wank, but its not a major shock cos I suspected the reason Fox cut last season short was so they could drag the remaining season 3 episodes and season 4 into 2 more seasons and kill the show


That petition is doing seriously well. I hope someone edits out the swear attacks before they post it to Fox. That's the same as begging to kill the show.