

it wold happen like futurama the alines will fight us beacse if alienes were discoverd they wold bee chopped up and dicected
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Mmmmm, I love it when I post a link and no one gives a crap that there's already a thread about this...


I'd say some things are quite possible.
I do believe that long before 3000 comes, aliens existing will be common knowledge, although whether or not we intermingle like they do in Futurama is up to debate.
Flying spaceships being the equivalent to a car, in that anyone can get one..that too I forsee. Of course by then if we've made it to the year 3000, then we've found a fuel source aside from oil, or we've magically found another huge source of oil.
Some inventions I just don't see ever happening due to practicality reasons. Like the tubes they travel around in. That just seems too dangerous, and too liable to break down. But some form of mass transportation aside from vehicles, but is like that, does seem possible.


I think that we're in a pretty good space of time right now. In a few hundrew more years our plantet will just completly fuck out on us. All out natural resources will of gone and the ozone layer will die of cancer. Also, there wont be anymore racism because everyone will be beige. As for practical personal space travel, thats a long long long way off, if at all.