

i was thinking of maybe a simpsons/futurama movie like the comics


do u think that any of the movies could be about bender because we dont know much about this past


it wouldnt surprise me if their was one about the brains

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Generally speaking, I would be rather miffed if a movie was centered too heavily on the whole Fry/Brains/Nibblonians thing or the Fry/Leela relationship (sorry, shippers  ). First, I watch Futurama mainly for the humor and it's heart, the story archs are just a delightful bonus. I would rather it went something like Roswell That Ends Well. Second, it would confuse the hell out of people who aren't Futurama fans, and they still make up 98% of the population. Less potential buyers, less potentiaæ sales, less likely the show is reviwed. Finally: Futurama Movie ideas


i think that their should be movie on fry and leela geting to gether
H. G. Blob


Nibbler. cos I want to know what he means by "We will, we will indeed" At the end of The Why of Fry.
That chick in the end of A Taste of Freedom, who says something when old man waterfall dies.
A all out war between the earth army and perhaps Omicron Persie 8, but then they have to join together to fight the greater evil.


I'm not sure, but I'm pretty positive that anything any of us could suggest, short of being extremely broad like 'Fry and Leela!' is almost certainly not what the movies would be about.
That said, I'd like to see the movies go more in depth into Fry and Leela. I don't ask that the focus of the entire movie be their relationship, but it should be part, and it should resolve it.


Hopefully the movies will be good! I would have loved to see "The Day The Earth Stood Stupid" as a full length movie, tied in with "The Why Of Fry". That would have been cool.


Fry: Just ask if you ever need a saviour again Nibbler: Oh we will
I think that its a good possibility that it will be about Fry and the Nibblonians and its also likely that leela would have a main role, her being "the other" and all. I'm sure it will be reasonably shippy, and its also i think that its possible for there to be marriage at some point, weather it be fry and leela or amy and kif, but regardless of that, its fairly likely that fry and leela will finally get together at some point. We can only hope: Shippers Unite!


so if the one of the movies is about the brains then what do u think the other ones will be about if their will be more movies


I have to say, I hope the brains are not involved.
I'm sick of the brains.