Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« on: 12-12-2005 18:30 »
« Last Edit on: 12-12-2005 18:30 »
I rewatched the first episode the other day and thought of something I'd never paid much attention to. If this has been discussed already, I apologize, but a search didn't turn up anything relevant.
When fry meets bender, fry has to convince him to even try to bend something besides girders, and only succeeds when bender electrocutes himself on the light fixture in the "Hall if criminals" wing of the head museum. So how much of Bender's later personality/behavior might be a result of this short? We already know he liked ripping stuff off, to some extent - he tried to rip off the suicide booth.
And before anyone else can say it: "This thread is completely pointless, it's just a cartoon." If you were thinking of saying anything to that effect, you're probably on the wrong forum.