salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
ugh, i hate to waste a post on this...but...
its been 3 or so days (depending on timezone), anyone care to take over?
Bending Unit
« Reply #484 on: 02-15-2006 08:25 »
« Last Edit on: 02-17-2006 00:00 »
I'll take it Wrong So FarsoylentOrange - Godfellas sooperman - The Sting Benders_Fan - The Cryonic Woman futurefreak - Bender Gets Made Dave B - A Bicycolops Built For Two soylentOrange - Loves Labors Lost In Space H.G. Blob - Farnsworth Parabox Mas Rarraf - Leela's Homeworld
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Bender Gets Made?
and I don't partake in TOTPD. whenever I get one anyone feel free to take mine, i'm backwards like that
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
wait, is that mass of black something you used to cover a part of the picture? and you used a photoshop effect on top of that? let's not get into that discussion again of edits not resembling their framegrabs...the basic rule of thumb i use is 1 effect per edit, unless its still too obvious, but no more than 2...i hope i am wrong and that black thing is a shadow or something...