Dave B
Urban Legend
« Reply #166 on: 01-06-2006 15:42 »
« Last Edit on: 01-10-2006 00:00 »
Thanks Mas Rarraf, I will add the additional wrong answers within this post here, Ok (thanks mate! ) Note: CrapBag you've already said Roswell That Ends Well..., check the list before you post an answer! Wrong Answers Continued...Raging Bender- Mas Rarraf Farnsworth Parabox- Benders_Fan Fry and the Slurm Factory- Mas Rarraf Bendless Love- Eyedol7513 Bendin' in the Wind- CrapBag The Devils Hands are Idle Play things- Benders_Fan
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
I can make out the Professor and I think Amy...looks like a room of PE. anyways i'll say...um...Lesser of Two Evils? and btw, why are the usernames written next to the guesses? does it matter?
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
*pokes Dave B*
these are some worthwhile posts of mine...
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
wtff is that...looks like the most messed up pot i've ever seen
acutally, looks like the eating table at Planet Express...i can only assume that's food on it...
with that in mind, I'll say The Problem with Popplers
A Fishfull Of Dollars, it isn't that difficult. Don't yall see the sardines?
Yeah, it was late and I was tired. I'm just going to stick with games I good at.