Yeah! I noticed that sky lol
Ok here's mine then:

Guess away.........
Wrong AnswersA Bicycolops Built For Two- CrapBag
Xmas Story- soylentOrange
Amazon Women in the Mood- pankreasbezi
I Roommate- Benders_Fan
Why must I be a Crustacean in Love- Benders_Fan
The Cryonic Woman- Benders_Fan
The Deep South- CarpBag
Tale of Two Santa's- Mas Rarraf
Anthology of Intrest II- dr.bender nye
A Flight to Remember- NoSocialLife
Space Pilot 3000- NoSocialLife
Fry and The Slurm Factory- soylentOrange
Roswell that Ends Well- CrapBag
30% Iron Chef- Benders_Fan
Time Keeps On Slipping- pankreasbezi
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles- SORF
Kif gets Knocked up a Notch- CrapBag
Put Your Head On My Shoulders- pankreasbezi
The Sting- SORF
A Clone of my Own- soylentOrange
The Series has Landed- Benders_Fan