Bending Unit
Somebody tried to run me over. And not with a normal hovercar. It crept along the ground on round, rubber feet, like a wolf!
So how about this, Futurama-ites? Iub: Ila lw! Ila lw! Ila lw! Ila lw! Ila lw...! Ila lw! Ila lw! Ila lw! Ila lw...! Ila lw! (I think that's the right number of "Ila lw"s.)
I tried it, but I think I'm a miserable failure at these things.
Also I have a pretty poor memory as far as just thinking of quotes go, especially without a name to attach to them.
Bending Unit
Fry: What really killed the dinosaurs? Huge Brain: Me!
And here's not a line, but a sign: Xlmro Mrxivkepegxmgeppc, Egx Mrxivtperixevmpc.
Delivery Boy
Think Intergallactically, Act Interstalerly. I know the spellings are almost definately incorrect, but it's there. HJJHN: D ANUJ VZJNWR-YPPW XNVA!
Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #433 on: 02-20-2006 17:46 »
« Last Edit on: 02-23-2006 00:00 »
turanga: Oh, god! It's inhuman! It's like hong kong! I'll do it! This one's really long, but otherwise pretty easy... FL YOZ IZLQZ VCGZQYQ CV YOZ TRPFVFP LCGYOHZQY IHZXXQ YOZ QYGRLKZ RLI NZRWYFVWX PGZRYWGZ MLCHL RQ NFKVCCY, TZGORTQ.
[edit] This one might be too long, in retrospect. Make it more managable by using a utility like this one Also added a line-break; if you get the first sentence, you've pretty much got it (there are only 3 letters displaced in the rest once you get the first)