lol no like i see an episode and i turn off the tv cause i know there isnt anything better on! i dont knwo lol im sorry if i made u mad
once 'reality tv' dies out, tv will hopefully have some more worthwhile tv shows.
RS 2thou i have to, noticed all those medical shows. im no doctor but i get the feeling that half they stuff they talk about isnt even right, but i will stand corrected, and there are so many medical shows on its hard to tell them apart and i thought they would have run out of ailments by now.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by RS 2thou:
I've stopped watching 'cause there seems to be nothing new that sci-fi or funny it all seems to be some f***ed up show about a hospital and some doctor that works there I refuse to watch any medical show on TV becaue A) I hate seeing inconsistantcies and inaccuracies and B) I work it - and I have worked it for 17 years - I'll be damned if I'll watch it on my off-time! I do say that Futurama was on of the best shows around, a cartoon sci-fi comeday ... couldn't get much better. Since this is a Futurama board, I don't think that you'll have any disagreements there. The fact that you're absolutely right about Futurama being one of the best series ever just means that you have above average intelligence!