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Author Topic: Quizzical Questions & Smart-Ass Answer  (Read 25167 times)
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« Reply #480 on: 02-10-2006 19:24 »
« Last Edit on: 02-10-2006 19:24 »

I didn't say two I said a couple. And stop doing that!

A: Simolean central, used in fact as a storage point for sponges as I mentioned earlier. I will give you the other one to, because I'm bored and celebrating midnight. The other one was Chicago 2. Started as the "clean" Chicago, things took a turn for the worse when not only Al Capone's head in a jar got involved, but Al "Space" Capone signed a deal with him. The deal went down and sank - it turned out that "space" Capone didn't have the biro's. The city was on the verge of moral collapse when it was wiped out.

Q: Name each of the legs of King Grolsch in the Carling system.

And this time it isn't a trick!

Finally: Wooooooo, top of the page dance!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #481 on: 02-11-2006 07:52 »

A: bid, bod, sod and frod....oh, wait.....

Q: What is the approximate weight, in gold, of Benders eyes?

« Reply #482 on: 02-11-2006 14:20 »

A: Bender's eyes are not made from gold.

Q: Give a brief history of the galactic use of gold starting from the year 2500 to present. (3000)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #483 on: 02-11-2006 15:27 »

A: 2500: Gold is run dry.....

2552: Baron von Halegbrink produces his first artificial gold mine in southern Utah.

2553: The gold mine fails spectacularly

2560: He builds another one in Russia. It blows up 3 days after completion

2809: Gold tax is introduced. Wealthy people pay less if they have lots of ancient gold

2966: New source is discovered south of the planet where some aliens live...Morbos race, i think

3000-: Gold has become a commodity. Worth approximately 1 cent a gram.

Q: What was Baron von halegbrink's maiden name?

« Reply #484 on: 02-11-2006 21:34 »

A: Trick question. Again. His maiden name was Baron.

B: How much wood could a space Wood Chuck, chuck, if a space Wood Chuck, could chuck wood?
Mas Rarraf

Starship Captain
« Reply #485 on: 02-12-2006 01:48 »

A: If a space wood chuck could chuck wood it would be space wood, although space wood isn't real, so the space wood chuck would be out of a job.

Q: Who invented Space Wood Chucks?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #486 on: 02-12-2006 03:25 »

A: The evil Space Wood Chuck Generator, on Omicron Persei 8. Doi!

Q: If they could, would the space wood chucks who could chuck wood, chuck wood entirely in the nude? And if so, would chucking wood in the nude be illegal?

« Reply #487 on: 02-12-2006 06:21 »

A: The 2 trains would pass each other at precicly 4:37pm, at a combined speed of 176kph, at 139.7 kilometers from train A's starting location and 128.1 kilometers from train B's staring location. Needless to say, a cheese sandwhich would be involved.

Q: What happened to all the terrorists? I'm mean you dont see any terrorism-bots running around, where'd they all go?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #488 on: 02-12-2006 08:20 »


A: All the terrorism bots have gone somewhere where they can kill each other in peace. Like New Zealand or some place.

Q: As there are no terrorism bots anywhere near where anybody lives, would it be possible to nuke New Zealand and make the government say it was an 'unfortunate accident', seeing as no one cares?

Bending Unit
« Reply #489 on: 02-12-2006 12:57 »


Q:The terroism bots will ecscape though, how??

« Reply #490 on: 02-12-2006 14:19 »

A: Great, so terrorists can't fly planes? I think they proved they could. Or maybe not. The twin towers are quite tall.

Q: Elaborate on Blane's last answer.

Bending Unit
« Reply #491 on: 02-12-2006 17:23 »

a:umm you didnt answer my question..

Q:thats not even a question... why did he do that???

Starship Captain
« Reply #492 on: 02-12-2006 17:40 »

A: cause he's a jackass
Q: why does this thread always get so offtopic?

« Reply #493 on: 02-12-2006 18:50 »

A: Because idiots like you send it this way.

Q: CAN YOU Elaborate on Blanes answer? Please?

Bending Unit
« Reply #494 on: 02-12-2006 18:52 »


Q:how will the next person trun this into something futurama??

« Reply #495 on: 02-12-2006 18:56 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2006 18:56 »

A: By ignoring your next question.

Q: Does this matter? Take note of the topic name and the fact that it does not contain the word "Futurama". Also bear in mind that no-one else seems to care.

On a side note:

All this is vaguely related to the Futurama world. I noticed that your question didn't involve Futurama characters. I try to link my questions in to the universe that they live in. I also think that I did answer your question, by suggesting aircraft as a possible escape.


Bending Unit
« Reply #496 on: 02-12-2006 19:43 »


Q:How was fry's leg torn off??

« Reply #497 on: 02-12-2006 19:50 »

A: It was? He probably caught it in a door.

Q: How may times did Baron Von Halegbrink's nose get caught in a similar door? Explain how.

Starship Captain
« Reply #498 on: 02-12-2006 21:54 »

A:1000011100010100011000111011. must of the times when it happened he was looking for gold in his nose and he tripped and got it stuck in the door
Q: why dont you realize no one wants to elaborate on blanes answer?


« Reply #499 on: 02-13-2006 00:22 »

Originally posted by mookie427:

It was meant to be a "smart ass answer" as the thread is titled. Meant to be funny!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #500 on: 02-13-2006 03:45 »

Ah yes, thats OK.

A: (to SORF's Q) He is an idiot, pure and simple, focused on one thing in life: To go on and on about something until we all die

Q: What would happen on Omicron Persei 8, if some random joe just walked up to the presidential palace and said "I want to kill Lrrr"?

« Reply #501 on: 02-13-2006 03:56 »

A: He would be known thereafter as "meals on wheels"

Q: Seeing as there are no emo's in the future, explain how they became extinct.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #502 on: 02-13-2006 05:01 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2006 05:01 »

A: Well, this is complicated.....You see, in 2409, there was this giant galactic war, between the emos and the mutants...to cut a long story short, the emos were led to a dark cave, some where in canada, tricked into thinking they were going to live, so they all comitted suicide by jumping into the mutant piranha death pool...some survived, and became super emotants, which continue to roam the streets of old new york, looking for someone to slit thier wrists with them....

Q: If all the emos were killed, why does New New York have suicide booths? (discount the fact that ordinary people use them)

« Reply #503 on: 02-13-2006 05:54 »

A: Lets not forget about the goths and the mentally ill, they deserve suicide booths just as much as the next alchoholic robot

Q: What are the heads of all the old boy bands up to un the year 3k?

Bending Unit
« Reply #504 on: 02-13-2006 11:29 »

A:  The heads of the boy bands are trying (futilely) to hook up with Beck and Bender on the broken robot tour.  Except for Hanson, who get crushed (what-if-ically) by giant Bender.

Q:  What if the Professor never invented the What-If machine?

Bending Unit
« Reply #505 on: 02-13-2006 11:55 »

A: If the Professor had never invented the What-If machine, you never would have asked that question. So, by answering it, it would create an inconsistency loop whose feedback would tear the fabric of the universe apart.  *I* certainly don't want to be responsible for that!

Q: In the 21st century, people with lots of money are thrill-seeking by doing things like taking commercial space flights or buying ex-military jers from the Russians.  What do ridiculously weathly people do for thrills in the 31st century?

Bending Unit
« Reply #506 on: 02-13-2006 12:08 »

A:  They own half of Mars, and talk oddly.  Or they monopolize robot oil, slap their nitwit sons, and try to take over the world.  Also, they hobnob at Spiderian silk functions, and eat turkey dogs.  A few even fund ridiculously useless research, thus underwriting the basis of the series.

Q:  If you were Igner, why?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #507 on: 02-13-2006 13:55 »

A. *smacks*

Q. When did the band, "Ceylon and Garfunkel" form?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #508 on: 02-13-2006 15:58 »

A: 2991

Q: Will Robot Hell ever be destroyed by the public

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #509 on: 02-13-2006 16:09 »

A: Probably, if you give us big enough pitchforks!

Q: How many pitchforks could you fit into a black hole, and still have enough room for the TV Bender stole from those homeless dudes?

Bending Unit
« Reply #510 on: 02-13-2006 16:21 »

A:3 1/2 (for some reason homeless guys have big-ass tvs)

Qwhy are homeless guys tvs so big???
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #511 on: 02-13-2006 18:08 »

A: So they can live in them too

Q: How did Spargle make pies out of shoes?

Bending Unit
« Reply #512 on: 02-13-2006 19:25 »


Q:does magic exist in futurama??

« Reply #513 on: 02-13-2006 20:23 »

A: Oh god, here we go again. Yes, in fact, most vehicles run on magic. Except the ones that run on gaffa tape and a prayer.

Q: How many eggs do I have? MAGIC eggs.

Bending Unit
« Reply #514 on: 02-13-2006 20:26 »

A:none(i stole them)

Q:How did leela die??

« Reply #515 on: 02-14-2006 00:26 »

A: She died of laughter directed at dumb questions.

Q: In what year did they celebrate the simpsons 900th episode?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #516 on: 02-14-2006 00:29 »

A. Three years ago.  :p

Q. When was Taco Bellvue Hospital built?

« Reply #517 on: 02-14-2006 00:49 »

In the year 298o. When the public finally learned the truth behind the "secret sauce" Taco bell was order to liquidate all its assets and build hospitals for the 100's infected.

Q:what happed to kfc in the future? Are they still around?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #518 on: 02-14-2006 03:57 »

A: They got obliterated by the McDonalds Corp. Spaceship, but then they got obliterated by Slurm and Mom.....

Q: What would the world be like if Mom ran the Slurm factory?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #519 on: 02-14-2006 07:39 »

A: You would get a free robot figurine with every Slurm Bottle purchased

Q: What are the enhabitants of Mc Pluto called?
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