
Bending Unit
« Reply #321 on: 01-03-2006 14:09 »
« Last Edit on: 01-03-2006 14:09 »
A: His sorting system goes like this: itty-bitty, miniscule, short-like, short, average, slightly-longer-than-average, substantially-longer-than-average, klingon sized, standard hanging-rope-tied-into-a-noose length, long, longer, crazy long, and infinite.
NOTE: The infinitely long wire isn't actually kept in his drawer of various lengths of wire, in fact, not even entirely in this universe. An infinitely long wire would, of course, fill up the confines of the universe, since it is finite. He only keeps the "cool" end in this unverise, and keeps the bulk of the write in one of his paraboxes.
Q: What would happen if the gold Bender, from universe "1", put the parabox containing the universe which houses the infinitely long wire into the original Bender's (from universe "A" ) infinitely large chest compartment .......................and then turned the box inside out?!


A: A pirate. Q: What exactly were Hippie Amy and Hippie Professor doing in the Hippie Universe?


A: Yes, but its defective. Q: Which country was first to implement the career chips?

Bending Unit
A: You mean, besides: "Hail, Hail Robonia! A land I didn't make up!" Then I would guess it might start: "O Robonia, My One and Native Land...." But what country would have such a lame anthem?  Q: Coilette's pal Calculon has lived for about 1,000 years, as he was the second were-car. Why hasn't his great ACTING talent been recognized more fully? I mean, he can show ANGER, FEAR, SORROW, and any other feeling that actors -- human or robot -- can emulate.


A: Because the experience is so glorious, that life is just downhill afterwards.
Q: Who raises the children of the crustaceans after the parents die?


A: Seymour
Q: What would of happend if Seymour didn't wait for Fry?