
DOOP Secretary

A. He wasn't. He moved to Philadelphia because it had a better union for sewer monsters.
Q. What happens to Wayne Gretzky, or his head, in the future?

DOOP Secretary

A. He lives in a secret hiding place off one of the London Underground tunnels with the Ministry of Terror.
Q. Who else is in the Ministry of Terror.


SAA:The Earthican Agency For Regulated Administration Of Bio-Evolutionary Research And Sports.
QQ: Would Hermes be a high-enough-ranking beaurocrat to collate for the TEARAOBERS?

Bending Unit
« Reply #176 on: 12-01-2005 16:29 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2005 16:29 »
A: Well, the real answer is the way that they are manufactured. They "require" down-time. Although, they don't need sleep, robots are designed to have to shut down for 8 hours every day. The reason? Money. Remember, it's the route [sic] of all evil! If you'll note, Mom has a 30%+ share stake in about 10 different major Robot Real Estate companies. Once you know that, it's easy to figure out. Mom designs robots that require a place for "down-town". So, they have to go rent apartments somewhere. Mom owns appartments, so she makes more money from all the Robots paying her to stay at her appartments. It's really sick, when you think about it.
Q: In the Hippy Universe (as seen on the Farnsworth Parabox), what does Professor "Jazz Cat" Farnsworth do all day?


A:See TomAllen's avatar! But I think he really designs computers which compose our smooth jazz, duuude  Q:Has the Robot Devil's band from HIOR released an album yet?

DOOP Secretary

A. Depends if they're PCs or Macs.
Q. When two computers fall in love, what do two PCs have, what do two Macs have, and what do a PC and a Mac have?

DOOP Secretary

A. Yes, because Evil Nibbler would be the opposite of Good Nibbler and would talk.
Q. If a cow fly over a barn with a jet pack and fell onto chickens, Mars became warmer and wetter, and John Lennon didn't die in 1980, what would happen to Amy?


A: The Hypnotoad would then control the brain slug and the person.
Q: What did the tattoos on Amy's ass look like?


A:Cottage cheese.
Q:Whatever happened to the Zookeeper?


A: Bender, with his X-ray glasses.
Q: What did Bender do with the zoo?


A: Yeah, didn't you see Super King fight one.
Q: Is there a professional kangaroo fighting league, if so describe it?

DOOP Secretary

A. Yes, it's called Fighting Ultimate of Kangaroos. The FUK. Ulitmate Kangaroo Fighting had been taken by a kangaroo hating group. The FUK has fights much like the Ultimate Robot league, but with kangaroos. And, it's in Australia.
Q. Are kangaroos still centered around Australia in the future or can they be found elsewhere?

DOOP Secretary

[Skips over BenderNeedBooze's post because he has no idea what it means.]
A. Because Earth's thermal exhaust port has a toll.
Q. How much is the toll?

DOOP Secretary

A. Only if it was a female sexbot.
Q. Who cares about Kwanzaa in the future?