Kisses...Kisses...Kisses..... ..And Even More Kisses.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
This time, I am saving my vote for when it's most needed.
DOOP Secretary
I voted for Zapp.I Hope Kiff has an Lovely Holiday if Zapp goes first...
DOOP Secretary
I love Zoidy and everything, but get him off before he finishes off what food Nibbler missed
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Zapp, get your pompous, velour-clad ass out of here. Might give Kif some freedom to spend a little quality time with Amy.
::Starts to look around:: Okay, who voted for Kif and Leela. Was it you? You? Or was it you?
Kif´s The Man
DOH! I voted for Kif!! I'm too retarded to read the dern thing first. Oh well, hopefully my blunder doesn't ruin his chances at the cool million.
Go Kif, and please find it in your pitiful green heart to forgive me!!!!!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Hm, it's seems to be a tight competition between DOOP's Dynamic Duo. And noone is voting for Farnsworth? What good is he on a deserted island? [Farnsworth]Oh my, I should be collecting coconuts, but I'm already in my pajamas. Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z[/Farsnworth]
Well, the Immunity Challenge in Round 3 required finding someone stuck in a tree and running them back to the finish line. Bender would have won, but he just robbed the guy in the tree and ran off. Leela would have, but Kif followed her around (see 'Brannigan Begin Again') until she found the man in the tree. Then Kif got up the tree, grabbed the man, and hit the ground running. Kif wins Immunity. The players vote off the big threat, which suprisingly isn't Zapp or Leela. It's Bender, who doesn't need much food, and thus doesn't get as hungry. He's in better shape and is a threat to take Immunity. He falls victim to the vote. (Note that i am not thinking as far as who i don't like. It's who I see going.)
Let's think strategy. If Zapp goes, then Kif will become a slightly bigger threat- but still not much under realpolitik. So that might happen. Zapp, then Kif because now he's out of Zapp's shadow and has a chance to fend for himself. Which I think he could do quite well, after he shuts up about Zapp. That takes care of everyone else' views, now on to Zapp and Kif.
Kif: Unfortunately for him, he'll need to try and keep Zapp around until the waning rounds. Then he can ditch his (ahem) mentor, start taking Immunity, and hope for the best in the jury vote. With Zapp around, Kif knows there's a bigger threat than him around at all times. And the biggest threats go. So Kif essentially needs to use Zapp as a human shield at Tribal Council.
Zapp: Zapp is a marked man. He has alienated half of the people on the island- Leela, Kif and Amy, and Leela has gotten the word out to everybody else- Fry, Bender, Professor, Zoidberg. Zapp can count on the Professor to keep him around- see 'Brannigan Begin Again'. But everyone else has Zapp dead to rights. Zapp cannot win, as he'll never get the jury's vote. He can only hope to claim 2nd place, and he can only do that by making a Kelly/Colby/Lex-like run, and keep a death grip on the Immunity Talisman. It's a long road to 2nd from here, and if Zapp slips at any point, it's game over.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
He might swing Fry and Bender around. All Zapp demands from them is loyalty, then they can sit around all day and drink beer for all he cares. Sounds like Fry and bender's kind of fun.
That's 4 for: Bender, Fry, Farnsworth and Zapp. That's 4 against: Leela, Kif, Amy, Zoidy.