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Author Topic: Futurama Comic spreading rumours about new DVD movie?  (Read 787 times)
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« on: 10-16-2005 10:09 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2005 10:09 »

I was flicking throught the 23rd UK issue of Futurama comics storeroom article thingy and I cam across this letter, now it is not the letter that is is of intrest but the reply to the letter:

The letter goes as follows

Dear Fututama Comics,
I like both Futurama a lot,
Thats how I got the idea for a
Resident Evil/Futurama comic. All my mates said I should send my pictures in to you guys. I didn't even know you did a Futurama comic until last week! I have some questions:
1.How many seasons are there?
2.Why don't they do a futurama movie it would  be great!
3.Is there only one futurama comic?
Name Removed


Thanks for the pic, Jamie, and glad you found out about Futurama comics, eventually! We hope you are old enought to wath/play Resident Evil - it's pretty scary (but totally cool)!
Anyway, onto the answers:
2.They may just happen to be planning a little something...A little somethings, in fact... More news to come!
3.Nope, so far there have been 23. '

Now the parts of intrest there are question 2  and it's answer.

I hope no one else has posted this, I feel idiotic already :P.

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« Reply #1 on: 10-16-2005 10:34 »

Originally posted by tsumiki:
I hope no one else has posted this, I feel idiotic already :P.

Not from the comic, but the rumour of a Futurama movie have been around for the last 6 months. We've discussed it in this thread. The rumour appears to be true, although no official confirmation have been given so far. There are some differences about how to take this. Some say that the many rumours from several different sources makes it a de facto fact, some say the abscence of official confirmation makes it nothing more than a rumour and should be treated accordingly. I belong to the latter camp.
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