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Author Topic: Is Matt Groening's humor growing old??  (Read 1360 times)
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Kill All Humans

« on: 01-03-2002 13:19 »

As we all know, The Simpsons and Futurama are both creations of Matt Groening. But many of the jokes he used in The Simpsons are seen over again in Futurama. What about it, people? Are all of Matt Groening's jokes really as funny as they used to be??
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 01-03-2002 14:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-03-2002 14:40 »

I've noticed one or two simular jokes but they are few and far between. Many of Futurama's jokes are based on technology and things which just couldn't be done in The Simpsons like robosexuals and snu snu.

Groening doesn't write even half of the jokes in Futurama or The Simpsons anyway. To conclude I don't think the jokes are getting stale, well not in Futurama anyway.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 01-03-2002 14:43 »

Exactly otis. Even though they are both his creations, he doesn't write the scripts for most (any?) of the episodes. Its probably just coincidence, or maybe the writers put it in just to make us think...
Kill All Humans

« Reply #3 on: 01-03-2002 14:45 »

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Kill All Humans

« Reply #4 on: 01-03-2002 14:46 »

Yeah you could be right. But when I talk about jokes, I don't mean the one's based on future technology and stuff, I mean the smaller one's who show up around discussions and more social matters.

Ever thought about how similar Fry is with Homer? I mean, he's not actually the smartest person on the planet, and all he does is sitting in front of the TV drinking beer...

But as I said you could be right in some ways...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 01-03-2002 16:14 »

The PE crew has many unique traits that you could only see on THOH-episodes on the Simpsons. Bender's a robot, Zoidy can survivie undersea etc. So far I don't see many jokes reused from the Simpsons, not in the main story parts at least.

The Deep South, Loves Labour Lost in Space, A Bicyclops Built for Two, Hell is Other Robots are examples on stories I don't think the Simpsons will ever be able to do.

Regarding the Fry/Homer debate we had that a while ago. The overall feeling was that Fry has a good lead on Homer in the brainsdepartment (at least the later incarnations of Homer). Here is the thread:  http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/showpage.cgi?Forum=11&Thread=000072&Page=2

Ofcourse just IMNSHO  :)

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 01-03-2002 17:58 »

Maybe the "Fry is stupid" jokes can be similar to the "Homer is stupid" jokes(just like the "Professor is old" jokes are kind of like "Grampa/Mr. Burns/whoever else is old" jokes). But as we've pointed out before, Fry is more of a "lazy goof-off" stupid than the genuine mental retardation of Homer.

Besides, there are only so many basic personality types you can use in a sitcom. I think overall they've done a good job of keeping Futurama and The Simpsons' characters/dynamics different from each other.
Kill All Humans

« Reply #7 on: 01-04-2002 10:26 »

Yeah Well I guess you guys might be right (now that I've got some more time to think about the subject).

Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 01-04-2002 12:32 »

The characters all have distinct, exaggerated traits that keep them fresh. Bender's brash and cunning, Amy is cute and naive, etc. Groening pointed out that unlike The Simpsons, the characters are developed from the very first episode. Plus, don't forget that it's a SCI-FI comedy. There are tons of strange and wacky ideas you can do in Futurama that would not pass in The Simpsons.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 01-04-2002 12:33 »

Like sewing Fry's head onto Amy's body

« Reply #10 on: 01-04-2002 12:35 »

Originally posted by Just Chris:
The characters all have distinct, exaggerated traits that keep them fresh. Bender's brash and cunning, Amy is cute and naive, etc. Groening pointed out that unlike The Simpsons, the characters are developed from the very first episode. Plus, don't forget that it's a SCI-FI comedy. There are tons of strange and wacky ideas you can do in Futurama that would not pass in The Simpsons.
And a bunch of deliveries to make.

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 01-04-2002 14:12 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Like sewing Fry's head onto Amy's body

Knowing The Simpsons, they will probably do something like that in a future episode, they've done just about everything else and nearly anything seems to pass these days.


« Reply #12 on: 01-04-2002 14:31 »

Burns' head sewn on Homers' shoulder.

Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 01-04-2002 14:37 »

Bam! Sarge told you guys

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 01-04-2002 14:47 »

Ah, that was a THoH.  That doesn't count for anything

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 01-05-2002 03:45 »

Speaking of which, I'd love to see a follow up Simpsons THoH episode to that.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 01-05-2002 03:51 »

Me too! Back when I was a kid I watched that THOH episode and I saw the "next week on The Simpsons" bit at the end. And I was young and stupid enough to believe that it really was a preview for next week's episode. I was so disappointed when they showed the pony episode instead.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #17 on: 01-05-2002 05:31 »

hehe I always wanted to see a follow up on that 3d episode
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