INDEED...You are probably going to have to contact a syndicate about that...The rest I am taking to the "Invention Submission Corportation."
DOOP Secretary
Who's going to do the voices? WHO'S GOING TO DO THE VOICES?
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I think maybe it's a bit soon to be thinking about doing this, maybe when the show finishes but at the moment new episodes are being made anyway.
Hi guys,
Well, yes, I suppose it's DEEPLY illegal. But having said that, scan art is illegal, fan fiction is illegal, fan art is illegal... Similar has been done with Star Trek and they haven't been shut down. I think that, as long as it was made clear (for the dumbos) that it wasn't endorsed by Fox, and was indicated that it was for educational use only (this weasels you out of copyright restrictions) they would turn a blind eye.
As for the Flash, somebody is bound to be able to do it. I wish I could remember the name of the site with the Amy/Hairdryer Flash animation, but my memory is crap. I'm not thinking of huge CGI scenes or anything like that! A more people oriented, comical style.
Yes, I suppose it could be silent, but bang goes the fun! Somebody with a microphone could record their part, send it to somebody (ie, me) and I'd stick them all together. Voices can be electronically processed if need be, so it shouldn't be that hard. All the voiceover artist need be concerned with is recording his/her part.
Yes, it's still being made, THANK GOD!!! But that doesn't stop us from dreaming up other stories. I know it's a huge project, but I think it could be pretty jolly damn bloody good.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Do you have any story line ideas yet and are you planning on just sticking to the main characters or using minor characters too like the Hypno-Toad and the Hyperchiken?
Hi guys,
Further to my last message, I have made an interesting discovery - THIS WOULD BE LEGAL!
PARODY is legal provided that it is made clear it has no association with the source material. In other words, if somebody mistook it for an actual episode, it would be illegal. It is covered in the "Fair Use" category of the copyright act. Using the characters of Futurama and placing them in an original scenario, thus, is perfectly legal.
Thank God for that!
As for story lines, this is a little tiny problem. My original idea was to use something of the fan fiction that's already been written, adapted for the animation medium. If anybody wants to submit something, PLEASE DO! Concentrating on minor chatacters is a fantastic idea - but I'd hate to loose sight of the major characters as, for me, they "make" the series. Maybe Hypnotoad could feature. Maybe we could expand on Nibbler and his people, homeplanet, etc. I like this idea more, actually, as by definition, it calls for an awful lot of Leela.
Don't know - I need help! Let's get a team together or something!
You can start with "The Continuing ADventures Of RadioActive Man" as some kind of a guide.
Yup, it will be fantastically difficult. I'm not hoping for something of broadcast quality - basic expression will be sufficient. And nothing like proper lipsync, just the basics.
Dunno. You're right, it's gonna be hard.
But I'm still fairly sure something pretty good could be produced with a little effort.
Sorry I.L.L. if I say any more it may create a bigger gold rush than the 1976 Republican Convention...I don't think I am prepared to deal with THAT again.
Hi guys,
More I think about it, the more it's unworkable. :-( That's me - impractical ideas all round. Aw, well.
Hey, I'm not a poppler any more!
Thanks a bleedin' bunch, TheVoices! :-) That from somebody who's entire site is in ruddy flash! ;-)
You could have put that a bit more tactfully, I think! :-)
Still, it all boils down to "you're right" so, hey-ho, move on I s'pose.
BTW, may I say it's a real honour to be in correspondence with such a talented artist as your good self!
Cheerio, Danny
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I agree that it would be almost impossible to even make one episode because each second of animation consists of 24 frames, Sarge can correct me if I'm wrong.
Actually, with all that post production work, it would probably take longer.
Flash is different.
Hi people,
Yes, Flash is *very* different - not nearly as much work involved. I don't want to do a full TV quality episode. That would just about do me in!
What post production? You seem to be under the impression I'm suggesting something snazzy! The most post production I'm thinking about is characters that *move* - that's the limit!
Is it a co-incidence that since I said "Bugger it" the replys have been much more upbeat? A bit of reverse psycology, that's what you guys needed. :-)
Consider the subject UN-SODDED!
Thankyou all for your ideas.
I've got some investigating to do, I'll be back...
Flash isn't that easy. There's way too many useless commands that get in the way that nobody ever needs. All the stuff to actually 'animate' are buried under or within these stupid commands. And they're structured in the most horrific hierarchy possible. Macromedia should develop a smaller Flash program strictly geared for 2D animation.
Your services will be greatly honored.....comrade.