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Author Topic: First encounter...  (Read 908 times)
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« on: 08-24-2005 04:33 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2005 04:33 »

With the brillance that is futurama?

I remember when I Was younger, just finished eating dinner when my brother called me into to the loungeroom to watch the premiere of the new TV show. Although I was really young and didnt remember much of the show except Bender and the suicide booth! I Loved watching that show, but sadly never got to see any other episodes.

Now, years later I Stumbled upon a sale in Big W. $34 for season one and two of futurama on DVD. I Looked at the case for at least half a minute, something was strangley familiar about that one eyed alien with purple hair. Then it hit me, it was that tv show that I had watched with my brother all those years ago, What ever happened to that show? I shrugged and bought the Dvds, and I'm  incredibly happy that I did, I could never live without futurama!    :flirt: And a week later I came down to grab season 3 and 4!

So when did you first watch Futurama? What were your initial thoughts?

Ps. Im new here so excuse me if this has been posted a bazillion times, I could not find it!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 08-24-2005 05:15 »

Congrats dude. I'm sure there's another topic like this, but to be totally honest, it's late where I am, and I don't feel like finding it. (Maybe I will do it later if I remember, and if no one else has done it.)

Welcome to PEEL and enjoy your stay here. Someone (I hope) will give you a link for the FAQ, because again, I don't feel like searching for it.

And don't take it personally if this thread is closed. (Oh yeah, and bonus points to you for actually using the EDIT button, instead of posting multiple times, like some other new members do.)

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 08-24-2005 05:17 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2005 05:17 »

That is a nice little anecdote.

I get the feeling there should be a thread for something like this already but I can't think of what words to search for I'm not even sure if there is a thread for this that I have seen but if there is someone else will help out by linking it.

It seems kind of weird to think of people that were only young when Futurama started because it doesn't feel like Futurama is that old to me, but it really has been around for 6 or 7 years which is quite a while. Time just seems faster as you get older I suppose. I was a teenager when it started.

edit- well Dogdoo found the thread... I also found these which are kind of relevant, Your first impression about Futurama and What was your first episode?
EDIT- gah..! I also found these: were you on the bandwagon since Day One? and Which episode got you into Futurama?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 08-24-2005 05:19 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2005 05:19 »

Needs a bit of dusting off

Yeah, thats it I belive.

By the by it aired in 1999, i was in year 9 at the time. That year shore did have alot of 9's in it.
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