Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
The Simpsons is a fictional show in the Futurama universe.
Futurama is a fictional show in the Simpsons universe.
[Lionel Hutz]Case closed[/LH]
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by T-Veronica: Quite frankly, I agree with everything you guys just said. Although, I believe that the original idea was to have Futurama be real and The Simpsons as just a show in the Futurama universe, but after Futurama got cancelled, they wanted to put in cameos to keep the show alive. Hence, the whole show-within-a-show paradox. Whee.
The parodox was sorta there from the beginning though. Uter (german foreign exchange student character show shows up every now and then on The Simpsons) was seen wearing a Futurama shirt before Futurama even started airing! I think Groening mostly kept to his stance of The Simpsons being a show in the Futurama world because it was a way of preventing Fox from ever trying to make them do a crossover with The Simpsons. As illustrated by the Simpsons crossover with "The Critic" that he pulled his name off of, he dislikes crossovers. So my guess is he just set up the idea of Simpsons being just a show in Futurama so that a crossover (outside of the comics) could never happen.
Last time I checked they were both TV shows.
Actually it was Martin wearing the Futurama T-Shirt.
They both exist together. Bender showed up in a Simpson's Episode. In "Hell is Other Robots", when Fry and Leela enter "The Inferno", if you look down at the bottom of the screen, you can see the symbol "HS + MB" surrounded by a heart. Homer Simpson Loves Marge Bouvier. Thus Homer was in "The Inferno" at some point.
Starship Captain
« Reply #16 on: 08-20-2005 10:50 »
« Last Edit on: 08-20-2005 10:50 »
The case was closed! Stop saying stuff in this thread! Close it! Also, it was Uter wearing the shirt. Oh yeah, and I forgot... Welcome to PEEL, waccooga. Read the FAQ. It is your friend.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Dan1248: However the Simpsons isn't real, it is a fictional show in the Futurama universe. The Simpsons is not a fictional show in the Futurama universe. *head explodes*
didn't matt groening go on record saying, half-jokingly, that the simpsons is fictional, futurama is real?
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, in a Futurama-related interview, Later he obviously reconsidered, considering his cameo in ... a recent Simpsons episode. By Benders_Fan: Thier just T.V shows. They are? Good golly, and here I thought they were accurate representations of a true story. Silly me.