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Author Topic: Downloading episodes ?  (Read 1102 times)
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« on: 12-23-2001 04:20 »

Hey guys I was wondering if it is legal to actually download futurama episodes in avi format (or any other viewable format) ?
Cause I have been watching a small discussion about it ... but nobody mentioned if it was or was not legal ...

Thx in advance,


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 12-23-2001 04:49 »
« Last Edit on: 12-23-2001 04:49 »

I'd be surprised if there is any legal way to DL them. Just don't ask where to DL them from around here, that is PEEL rule #1

« Reply #2 on: 12-23-2001 05:47 »

well if this subject is so taboo there must be a reason for it hence i would guess that its not legal to download episodes from the net but then this raises the question is recording it on to a video tape legal ? as this is pretty much the same thing isnt it !
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 12-23-2001 06:05 »

Yeh it is the same thing but the law is screwed up anyway, the only difference is that you have to pay for a TV licence to watch broadcasted episodes and watch loads of adverts. You can legally have sexual intercourse at age 16 but can't legally buy porn until age 18. see what I mean.

« Reply #4 on: 12-23-2001 06:23 »

Yeah I understand Tweek , so basicly it is illegal ... about downloading em I know where to get em ... deleting em ...

Thx ,


« Reply #5 on: 12-23-2001 10:06 »

Like to introduce you to my two new friends..."Cease" and "Desist".

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 12-23-2001 10:15 »

Yeah. Kids can have sex, but they can't buy porn, and adults can't buy porn with kids having sex. Law, that bewildering mistress...

« Reply #7 on: 12-23-2001 11:28 »

Lets not forget that an American can join the Military at 18, but can't order a glass of wine with dinner until they're 21.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #8 on: 12-23-2001 11:31 »

Yup, you can die for your country, help select the people who run the country, decide on a person's innocence in a legal case, and addict yourself to tobacco. But alcohol is something you're not yet responsible enough to handle.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 12-23-2001 11:33 »

Originally posted by Waruna:
well if this subject is so taboo there must be a reason for it hence i would guess that its not legal to download episodes from the net but then this raises the question is recording it on to a video tape legal ? as this is pretty much the same thing isnt it !

I don't know about other countries, but here in Denmark we pay a very hefty tax per sold blank cassette, VHS tape and CD-RW. The taxes goes to a semi-private organization called CopyDan, which pays artist, writers, companies etc. a royalty every time their song, movie, cartoon, what-have-you is broadcast or in other way publicised.

The idea was, that the government realized it would be to difficult to uphold the law, regarding taping of TV-programs, so they went the other way around and taxed the crime. Go figure. The system worked pretty well. Up until a few years back.

Then the artist felt they where cheated (whether they were, I'm not really sure) and demanded more money. CopyDan at that point had been granted the right to regulate the taxes, and opted for a big increase in the tax on VHS tapes, and the government approved. The result was that the sale of VHS tapes plummeted with almost 45%. I could have told them that, but they didn't ask.  :p

Then downloading became a major issue, and once more CopyDan reacted. They raised the tax on CD-RW's to the highest in the world (yeah, another tax record for Denmark, whop-di-doo  :mad: ). Whether sales is going to plummet, we haven't really seen yet, but I guess they will (the stores still have plenty of pre-tax-CD-RW's to sell).

And  now they're planning to put taxes on PC's, modems, harddrives, rams etc. The rationale being that all theese things makes it possible to download copyrighted material from the Net. That raised quite a uproar, and CopyDan has postponed the taxes until further (they became even more hated than they already was, there where even talks about abolishing CopyDan).

So is there a point to all this ranting, or is Teral just letting of steam?

Hmm, I'm almost certain, I started out with the intent to make a point about something. It's all a bit hazy right now.

The point being, although taping TV-programs might be technically illegal (and I'm not sure whether it is, or isn't) the introduction of taxes on the storage medium makes it accepted. Futher more it's known how many times the material is publicized, and royalties is paid accordingly. Where as downloading copyrighted material from the Net to your computer, isn't taxed, or known, and thus the artists wont get any royalties, therefore it's explicit illegal.


And that's my 0.02$ worth of brainwork.

« Reply #10 on: 12-23-2001 11:43 »

Include the footnotes and you got a Masters Thesis.

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 12-23-2001 14:25 »

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