Liquid Emperor
« on: 07-20-2005 21:05 »
Okay, so let's say that not only does the dvd movie get greenlit, but a sequel (or preferrably two sequels, but either works) is confirmed ahead of time as well. I got to thinking: how cool could it be if it ended with a cliffhanger (perhaps even with a classic "To be Continued" thing at the end), ala Back to the Future 2, The Empire Strikes Back, in a sense the LOTR films, etc? Something to get you excited for the sequel, and ultimately tie both (or, hopefully, all three) films into one big story?
What do you think? Should the potential movie stand on it's own? Or would you enjoy a cliffhanger moment?
Yeah, the good things with direct to DVD movies is that you can have "To Be Continued" after each part. So A cliffhanger wouldn't be such a bad idea.
I say Cliffhanger, this seems pretty serious it would be a waste of time if FOX only made one movie after all this talking.
I think any movie should stand on its own. A gentle lead-in to the potential sequel would be a positive, but I definitely don't want some HL2-style cliffhanger (although in that case it arguably worked pretty well, but games are different to movies).
Anyway, I'm surprised that mine is the first vote for option #2.
If it's a cliffhanger let's hope they don't say forget it after the first movie and leave it at the cliffhanger.
Liquid Emperor
I don't think a cliffhanger should be a made unless at least a 2nd movie is a done deal. Unanswered questions and mysterious mysteries seem to fuel much of what fans go for here. But I don't think fans should have to be dragged through the safety sludge for years again if funding is up in the air. Futurama seems to do well enough without resorting to it.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I think that if the Futurama movie was greenlit, the movie would be that if there wasnt any more episodes or movies afterward, it could be regarded as a satisfactory finale to the series. But at the same time, it wouldnt close the book completely, allowing for more episodes/comics/etc. So basically, similar to "The Devil's Hands".
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #19 on: 07-26-2005 20:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2005 20:18 »
Originally posted by Procyon: Cliffhanger. Because that definitely means more Futurama. Yeah cause that worked so well for Clone High. I'm sorry, we're talking movies here. Yeah, because that worked so well for Lost in Space.
Cliffhanger? No. They have to have it ending in Fry and Leila falling in love properly.
It's not worth the risk in case they never make another Futurama movie / episode after that.
We need something to fall back on!
(Sorry, the ramblings of a shamless shipper.)
I think it all depends on whether they intend to make more after the movie. We don't want to be left on a cliffhanger for it never to be resolved, that would be awful.
All I want is for Fry and Leela to fall in love in the very last episode/film of Futurama. It would kind of be a bit lame for them to do it before, because a big part of Futurama is the development of their relationship. But I certainly want it to happen eventually, don't want Matt Groening to die before then.
Cliffhangers leaves room for a renewed season to start up from the movie...
Originally posted by Sweet Clyde: I think some of you need to reacquaint yourselves with the definition of the word cliffhanger. Cliffhanger - A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
a moive would be so cool. i think they should bring it out around the same time the simpsons one comes out.