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Author Topic: don't quote me.  (Read 4803 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #120 on: 09-24-2005 04:52 »
« Last Edit on: 09-24-2005 04:52 »

"I just told 'U', 'U' killed Me"

I don't know if this is right.

Bending Unit
« Reply #121 on: 09-24-2005 15:20 »

you got it. My thread lives again!!!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #122 on: 09-24-2005 17:15 »
« Last Edit on: 09-24-2005 17:15 »

Hooray i got it for once
I hope this isn't too hard for anyone
I live in Australia so the timezones are WAY different, so if I'm not back when people start posting answers, you'll know why
"Fry and Leela take this to become part of THE NEW JUSTICE TEAM (Winners don't do ____) + Scooty Puff S_. + Ow what was that ___ + Fry is the opposite of a winner(s) + Fry ___ Leela would make a good couple + _____(sis) toad + What __ Fry's first name (this is not the answer) + Ow what was that ___ + Fry is the opposite of a winner(s) + Whats ____ the eye + the 500 foot tall bender in AOI is really ___ (three letter word) + in Spanish Fry, Fry wears a pair of glasses with a fake nose and fake ________ (eight letter word)"

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 09-24-2005 21:09 »

drugs are for losers and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows

Bending Unit
« Reply #124 on: 09-25-2005 02:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-25-2005 02:17 »

You got it futurefreak. I forgot about the word weird, but i thought that it would take ages for people to figure it out. Then again you are a Space Pope. That is my favourite quote. Anyways you are up. Good Work.

Bending Unit
« Reply #125 on: 09-25-2005 17:54 »

48 hour grab, anybody want it?

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 09-25-2005 18:46 »
« Last Edit on: 09-25-2005 18:46 »

it hasnt been 48 hours...

"The Problem ____ Popplers" + "Oh ___!" + the ___ episode was The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings + what Bender lacks so he can go underwater + Leela has one of these +  what the Australian man seems to be  + the lobster equivalent of Fry

Bending Unit
« Reply #127 on: 09-25-2005 20:39 »

Originally posted by futurefreak:
it hasnt been 48 hours...

i just assumed it was 48 hours, sorry futurefreak.

Originally posted by futurefreak:
what the Australian man seems to be  + the lobster equivalent of Fry

i dont get those two parts, but anyway heres my guess:

"with my final breath 'eye'..."

crap i wish i knew the rest of it

Bending Unit
« Reply #128 on: 09-26-2005 01:09 »

with my last brathe, I curse zoidberg.

the what-__ machine + leela has only one ___ + kif gets knocked up a notch _____ a very good ep. + the PE ship was _____ in the LA tar pits + in the last ep. leela can't ____ + fry was ______ on dec.31 1999 + the devil hands are __le playthings + leela uses this to fish + mars _ + fry gets stung __ ___ stomach + "thanks eagle ___

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #129 on: 09-26-2005 01:38 »

if I weren't stuck here frozen i'd harpoon you in the eye

love that line  :laff:

Hell __ Other Robots + __rmes is a Jamaican accountant + Fry is this + Fry has to choose between his slurm ___ Leela in  "Fry and the Slurm Factory" + "I ___ wanted to be popular" + one of Zoidberg's running gags as played out by the crew

Bending Unit
« Reply #130 on: 09-26-2005 06:26 »

That is a hard one, but then again you don't make them easy, do you Futurefreak. I will have to think about it for a while. You might want to be careful when I am thinking.

Bending Unit
« Reply #131 on: 09-26-2005 12:43 »

is he stupid or just poor?

don't remeber that ever being said.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #132 on: 09-27-2005 01:57 »

Originally posted by wwe_fk:
is he stupid or just poor?

don't remeber that ever being said.

you're right, that line was never said so guess again...you're on the right track...just try to think about who would say that and in what context...it IS a line of one of the main characters

Bending Unit
« Reply #133 on: 09-28-2005 01:29 »
« Last Edit on: 09-28-2005 01:29 »

is he stupid or just ugly.
1. the quote has to be from futurama. (gloviusly)
2. the clues also have to be from futurama.
3. no bitching that this game sucks.
4. the clues are giving in this+this+that format.
5. try not to be too vague.

fry is this.
stupid, frozen, a boy, a guy, a man, the main charater ect..

Bending Unit
« Reply #134 on: 09-28-2005 19:22 »

It's your turn wwe_fk, where are you?

Bending Unit
« Reply #135 on: 09-28-2005 19:56 »

my bad!

____'s lobstertainment! + new ____ice team + the PE crew never gets ______, just severly reduced pay + tweenis 12 is _____ away from earth then the moon + "It will answer any what-if _______....

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #136 on: 09-28-2005 20:51 »

Originally posted by wwe_fk:
is he stupid or just ugly.
5. try not to be too vague.

fry is this.
stupid, frozen, a boy, a guy, a man, the main charater ect..

well if you got the rest of the quote clues (which I thought were fair enough to get), then you would know what that word is. That's what I have to do with some of your guys quotes, you get most of it and then just fill in the blanks. I think this game is less fun when you can guess the quote so easily anyways, it should be a little bit of a challenge (like that one you gave about Amy's cantonese, that was hard but well worth it)

Urban Legend
« Reply #137 on: 09-28-2005 23:20 »

thats just raises further questions!

Bending Unit
« Reply #138 on: 09-28-2005 23:53 »
« Last Edit on: 09-28-2005 23:53 »

you got it orange, and thanks for the compliment FF

Urban Legend
« Reply #139 on: 09-29-2005 14:57 »

coming up with one of these is alot harder than i would have thought...

[why must _ be a crustacean in love] + [the professor and Wernstrum ____ each other with a passion] + [__r_ hundred big boys] + ["I wont do this ... for bender, but for the proud ______ of Robonia!"] + [sound the animals make that have invade New New York] + [Fry is in ____ with Leela] + ["I'll be fine, its not like anyone's going to drink __] + [Love ___ Rocket] + they + [the professor and Wernstrum ____ each other with a passion] + ["It seems Flexo has outsmarted us all, even __, Bender"]

Bending Unit
« Reply #140 on: 09-29-2005 23:53 »

"I hate the people who love me and they hate me"

That was pretty hard soylentOrange, it only took me all of 3 minutes to figure it out.

Urban Legend
« Reply #141 on: 09-29-2005 23:58 »

well sheesh, sorry if it was sub-par for you.  its not like your 'drugs are for loosers, and hypnosis is for loosers for big weird eyebrows' post was much harder

Bending Unit
« Reply #142 on: 09-30-2005 00:25 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2005 00:25 »

im sorry soylentOrange, i didnt mean to offend you. BTW great quote choice. I like your choice of avatars.

"It's __ new invention, the what-if machine + An episode name ___fellas + What's with ___ eye? + Which one is the ____ Bender? + The evil _____!!! Claus + I don't ___ it (3 letter word) + Whats up with ___? + Sweet Zombie _____"

Sorry if it is too hard What am I saying? I'm sure someone will get it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #143 on: 09-30-2005 01:04 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2005 01:04 »

my god, the real santa clause! get him jesus!

"_'m boned" + "you ____ the worst part about being a slave?" + ___ hermes requsitioned his groove back + ep. __: the series has landed + "...and that doesn't even ____ sense." + bendless ____

Bending Unit
« Reply #144 on: 09-30-2005 01:16 »

I know how 2 make love

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 09-30-2005 06:44 »

do you now...  :flirt:

Urban Legend
« Reply #146 on: 09-30-2005 08:46 »

nah you didnt offend Im just yankin ya

Bending Unit
« Reply #147 on: 09-30-2005 17:09 »

That got a lot of my back, and I am truly sorry soylentOrange, but the real question is Where is wwe_fk? 


Bending Unit
« Reply #148 on: 10-01-2005 01:11 »
« Last Edit on: 10-01-2005 01:11 »

right here and yeah you got it right, your turn.

Bending Unit
« Reply #149 on: 10-01-2005 18:58 »
« Last Edit on: 10-01-2005 18:58 »


"Hey, how did you __ that? + Amy, ____ should I be feeling right now? + Who are ___? + It's a few seconds off, what with free ____ and all + Whoo!!! Look at my butt + you'will + Leela has lost her ability to ___ and hear + ___ are you? + has + What's with ___ eye? + last + Santa Claus says this (__ ho ho)"

Bending Unit
« Reply #150 on: 10-02-2005 01:09 »
« Last Edit on: 10-02-2005 01:09 »

do what you will but you'll see who has the last ho

"where did ____ go?" + "I _____ do it." + chesse __ + "is that ___ + ep. 2: ___ series has landed + professor has one in the second ep.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 10-02-2005 01:58 »

isn't it "do what you will but we'll see who has the last ho"?

Bending Unit
« Reply #152 on: 10-03-2005 00:57 »

"where did ____ go?" + "I _____ do it." + chesse __ + "is that ___ + ep. 2: ___ series has landed + professor has one in the second ep.


Bending Unit
« Reply #153 on: 10-20-2005 14:21 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2005 00:00 »

"and ____ got a lot of hustpa" + "I _____ do it." + (insert comma) + chesse __ + ___ together there are 72 eps. + ep. 2: ___ series has landed + professor has one in the second ep.
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