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drugs are for losers and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows
Bending Unit
Originally posted by futurefreak: it hasnt been 48 hours... i just assumed it was 48 hours, sorry futurefreak. Originally posted by futurefreak: what the Australian man seems to be + the lobster equivalent of Fry i dont get those two parts, but anyway heres my guess: "with my final breath 'eye'..." crap i wish i knew the rest of it
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
if I weren't stuck here frozen i'd harpoon you in the eye love that line Hell __ Other Robots + __rmes is a Jamaican accountant + Fry is this + Fry has to choose between his slurm ___ Leela in "Fry and the Slurm Factory" + "I ___ wanted to be popular" + one of Zoidberg's running gags as played out by the crew
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by wwe_fk: is he stupid or just poor?
don't remeber that ever being said. you're right, that line was never said so guess again...you're on the right track...just try to think about who would say that and in what context...it IS a line of one of the main characters
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by wwe_fk: is he stupid or just ugly. RULES: 5. try not to be too vague.
fry is this. stupid, frozen, a boy, a guy, a man, the main charater ect.. well if you got the rest of the quote clues (which I thought were fair enough to get), then you would know what that word is. That's what I have to do with some of your guys quotes, you get most of it and then just fill in the blanks. I think this game is less fun when you can guess the quote so easily anyways, it should be a little bit of a challenge (like that one you gave about Amy's cantonese, that was hard but well worth it)
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
isn't it "do what you will but we'll see who has the last ho"?