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Author Topic: These are the points why Futurama is better than The Simpsons!  (Read 4644 times)
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« on: 07-11-2000 21:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-06-2009 16:55 by Nixorbo »

<FONT COLOR="Red">These are my points:   1. It's cooler 2.It's newer than the Simpsons.. Well Make your points now!!!</FONT c>

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 07-12-2000 00:03 »

with the simpsons, the writers kinda had to stick with family matters... sort of.  The shows are quite different.  The simpsons pokes fun at things that happen in everyday life. 

But with Futurama,  almost anything can happen.  The show takes place one thousand years in the future.  They could put anything on, (as long as it stays fairly appropriate) and it could seem original, funny, imaginitive, but foremost: reasonable.  This is because it takes place in the future, and we don't have a clue what it will be like in the year 3000.  The PE crew could travel to all sorts of far off, exotic, enchanted, screwed up, strange planets.  There is no end to the freedom.

Another thing: in Simpsons,  the main characters are members of a family.  In Futurama, most of the main characters are young adults who still pretty much have their whole lives in front of them, plus none of which are in any serious relationship. This opens up the door to soap like situations- except no boring crap!  Like Fry's ongoing "thing" with Leela.  One perfect example, is in "put your head on my shoulder."

the situation:  Fry and Amy are getting a little closer and are dating.  The show even puts them in a closet making out.

the twist:  A bad car axident puts Fry's head on Amy's shoulder. 

"Deep South":

the situation:  Fry finally finds someone that could be "the one" for him.  He even decides to stay behind, and not go back to his regular life, just to stay with Umbrielle.

the twist:  Umbrielle is a mermaid

This is exactly what I'm talking about.  More of this will happen too. 

I have never found a show that I have even come close to liking as much as Futurama.  Not even the simpsons.  I love the simpsons, but futurama seems perfect for me.  One main reason is the thought that anything could happen in the next episode.  It's always such a pleasent surprise.

  I don't know how I'm going to wait for season 3.  A whole summer?  AAHHHRRGG!!

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 07-12-2000 00:14 »

<FONT COLOR="Purple">what do you think,Cobbaa?</FONT c>

« Reply #3 on: 07-12-2000 11:30 »

As some may know I like to come and wreak havoc on people who say stuff like this. First off, Cobbaa you are proving my point with your reasons why futurama is better

1. its cooler. It is aimed at a broader audience, the simpsons had to go for a wide audience. it was the first cartoon to do what it did (not being a kid's cartoon)so it was a risky venture

2. Its newer. Well so? so is the pj's King of the hill and family guy.

Now onto the next p[ost. If you want soap situations then watch a soap. And 'put your head on my shoulder' was one episode the deep south was a failed love story it was unorigonal. It was good enough for a tv show but no genious involved in thinking that up. You forget that there are characters of all ages in the simpsons and the simpsons also has many episodes based on its secondary characters and pulls it off a little better as well ( I couldn't help feeling sorry for Moe at the end of 'dumbell indemnity).

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 07-12-2000 12:11 »

i didn't say it took a genious

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 07-13-2000 01:42 »

I think some of the best stuff is what's in the background and usually overlooked.
It's the year 3001 but computer disks are still 3 1/2" floppies.  TV's still have rabbit ear antennas.  People still wear glasses. And refrigerators still come in cardboard boxes.

R Hawks
Futurama Fan Art

Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 07-13-2000 12:32 »

<FONT face="Verdana">One thing I love is all the visual treats.  Whenever they show the gang walking through places like NNYC,  if you look hard and rewind, you can see all sorts of cool little details.  Funny advertisements, people doing weird things, the clothes the people are wearing, the buildings, the cars.  It's amazing!  It's details like these that ad to the structure of a great animated show!</FONT f>
« Reply #7 on: 07-14-2000 00:50 »

CGI effects. That's all I have time to point out.  :)

« Reply #8 on: 11-30-2000 16:39 »


Better Graphics
More exciting

and pratically


« Reply #9 on: 11-30-2000 20:45 »

and sexier, Leela is 10 times hotter than any Simpsons character, I never took toon porn seriously until I saw Leela.

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 12-03-2000 17:22 »

The thing is, that while it's not up to the standard The Simpsons was a couple of years ago (before it turned bad) Futurama has an advantage in that animation now allows them to do great CGI sequences. It's a broader setting allowing them to do more stories than the simpsons which had to mainly stay around the family.
Also, Matt Groening has learned ALOT from The Simpsons over the years meaning that he can take risks and have a better idea about the concequences.
In maybe three or four years we will all be comparing shows to Futurama rather than The Simpsons like we do now.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 12-03-2000 20:49 »

Originally posted by iliketowankalot:
and sexier, Leela is 10 times hotter than any Simpsons character, I never took toon porn seriously until I saw Leela.

Wouldnt call it "toon porn" right from the start, but you are right...Leela is sweet :)

New Tester
Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 12-06-2000 16:44 »

Futurama is really damn great but there's no episode that is even near the quality of the all time Simpsons classics.

[This message has been edited by FYP (edited December 06, 2000).]

Starship Captain
« Reply #13 on: 12-07-2000 05:43 »


« Reply #14 on: 12-09-2000 14:21 »

331 to go...

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 12-11-2000 15:01 »

As for the simpsons.... this season has been really wierd but then again .... why not? its goin to end when it current contract is up wether it is wierd or not
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #16 on: 10-07-2001 13:51 »

Futurama has to be the most imaginative TV show ever, so many things have been invented just for Futurama for example:
New New York
The Sewer Mutants
Robotic Santa
Countless other planets
The Robots & Aliens
The smelliscope
All my Circuits
The tube which is not only refered to as the tube but actually is.
& many other things.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 10-07-2001 14:34 »

This thread should be renamed Lazarus, it's been dead since before Christmas, now it is resurrected

« Reply #18 on: 10-07-2001 15:25 »

Originally posted by Bovinatron:
<FONT face="Verdana">One thing I love is all the visual treats.  Whenever they show the gang walking through places like NNYC,  if you look hard and rewind, you can see all sorts of cool little details.  Funny advertisements, people doing weird things, the clothes the people are wearing, the buildings, the cars.  It's amazing!  It's details like these that ad to the structure of a great animated show!</FONT f>

So does the Simpsons.  I'm a big Futurama fan, but I recognise the qualities of both shows.  The episodes of Futurama are better than the newer episodes of the Simpsons, but before Simpsons took a turn for the worse I much preferred it to Futurama.  However I do believe there is more freedom in Futurama.  I've always thought that time travel/futurism (is that a word?  Futurism?) was a bit of a tacky subject but, thanks to Futuramas humourous, light hearted approach it has provided an exception to the rule.

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 10-08-2001 18:26 »

The most important difference is:
Futurama is Sci-Fi. The Simpsons is not.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #20 on: 10-08-2001 18:57 »

I prefer Futurama, but that's just because of the premise. The characters are a little more over the top and the theme (futuristic science fiction) opens up whole new worlds of gags. The Simpsons is still great, but it's also getting old and worn out, tired. You can only do so many jokes with the same gang in Springfield. If Futurama ever takes the Simpsons' place, I won't complain.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 10-08-2001 20:11 »

One word: L-E-E-L-A, LEELA  :love:

Plus I like the fact that the characters is still new and have a very good group dynamic. They just play so well of eachother.
Holly J. Fry

Starship Captain
« Reply #22 on: 10-09-2001 17:11 »

There are advantages to both -  with their huge cast the Simpsons can do a lot more, but the small cast in Futurama lets u get familiar with the characters.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 10-09-2001 17:19 »

Futurama does have a pretty big cast aswell you know, compare the number of characters in the Simpsons by season 3 to Futuramas & you'll find theres not a huge difference.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #24 on: 10-09-2001 17:22 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
Futurama has to be the most imaginative TV show ever, so many things have been invented just for Futurama for example:
New New York
The Sewer Mutants
Robotic Santa
Countless other planets
The Robots & Aliens
The smelliscope
All my Circuits
The tube which is not only refered to as the tube but actually is.
& many other things.

Eh. I don't think these are the best examples of Futurama's creativity. Almost all of those items have Simpsons-world equivalents.

Krusty The Clown and countless other made-up tv shows

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 10-09-2001 17:28 »

Many of the best things in Futurama is often a comment on the 20th/21st century. Like the visit to old New York ("Lesser of two Evils). Fry's remarks about what a telphonebooth, a subway train, the parking sign etc. was both wrong and right at the same time, and somehow I found that hilarious. The Internet-part of "A Bicyclops Built for Two" is another good example.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 10-09-2001 23:23 »

where are all these people coming from? ok well i dont think ive doen this before...so welcome to PEEL Cobbaa and Cayt! (yeah i know, its a little late  :p)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #27 on: 10-10-2001 04:22 »

There's no kids in Futurama, only adults (and robots). Makes the humor better.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #28 on: 10-10-2001 04:24 »
« Last Edit on: 10-10-2001 04:24 »

Originally posted by Teral:
One word: L-E-E-L-A, LEELA    :love:
That is one very good reason, Amy is another    :love:  :flirt:

I wish we had a little pic of Leela that could go in the corner, after all she is as popular as Amy
Holly J. Fry

Starship Captain
« Reply #29 on: 10-12-2001 16:54 »

We should campaign for a Leela message icon, she is tougher and smarter than Amy and therefore appropriate for many messages.

Space Pope
« Reply #30 on: 10-12-2001 17:36 »

Yeah, but Amy's cuter.   :love:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #31 on: 10-12-2001 18:38 »

With Futurama they can be more experimental and wilder than with Simpsons... One reason is the sci-fi setting...


Delivery Boy
« Reply #32 on: 10-12-2001 21:48 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Yeah, but Amy's cuter.    :love:

ill say!  :love:   :love:   :love:
Ive watched Futurama from day one and I love it (not just beacuse of amy and leela!)
I think its better than the simpsons.
But i feel that the simpsons is still a great laugh and i wouldent miss it for the world!

there. i said it!!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 10-12-2001 22:13 »

Cute girls dream about being Miss Universe, Leela was Miss Universe.  ;)

I would also like a Leela icon. Leela   :love:

« Reply #34 on: 10-13-2001 00:16 »

Leelas' voice is cuter than Amys'. Katey Segals' voice has a wider range of emotions. Amys' voice is high-pitched, & that holds a loved quality all its own. But Leelas' is more mature.  ;) And I gotta love that horses' ponytail!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #35 on: 10-13-2001 10:19 »

ahh yes  :) - the ponytail   :love:
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #36 on: 04-04-2009 09:26 »

It's set in the future, and always has new ideas (excluding a cruddy BGA) other then the Simpsons, where nothing is new and they do flashback episodes and other ideas and boring ones *glavin*

« Reply #37 on: 04-04-2009 20:17 »

It's set in the future, and always has new ideas (excluding a cruddy BGA) other then the Simpsons, where nothing is new and they do flashback episodes and other ideas and boring ones *glavin*
Thanks for bumping a 8 year old thread  :mad:
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #38 on: 04-05-2009 02:53 »

More where that came from.

Urban Legend
« Reply #39 on: 04-05-2009 19:32 »

Futurama is better than the Simpsons because not only one character steals the spotlight, like Homer or Bart do.  The Simpsons just uses the same formula for episodes and the characters:  Homer hatches up some scheme, Marge tries to talk him out of it, Bart gets into trouble, at first he's proud of it, and then later regrets it and has to do something Herculean to redeem himself, Lisa is repressed  by her peers for being smart, blah, blah, blah.

At least with Futurama, all characters get the spotlight,  no stereotypes, and none of the same old crap.  In Futurama, there's always something new, and you can even learn things from it!   Futurama has more fun adventures that anyone can enjoy.   The Simpsons has been going on and on, and has been totally overdone. 
On Futurama, every character is different, whereas on The Simpsons, it's just the stereotypical dysfunctional family:  A lazy father who drinks, a domminerring mother who has a weird voice, a goof-off smart allecky precocious underachiver who has the vocabulary of a Havard graduate, and the outcast middle daughter who everyone seemingly hates.  So, that's my two cents about why Futurama is better than The Simpsons. 

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