Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. Nope, it slipped his mind and he died a week later.
Q. What day on the calender is Robonicka *sic*?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. In 2015 when JK Rowlings sells the rights to him to buy heroin.
Q. How did Bender get the Prime Minister of Norway's arm (Cryonic Woman).
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. The Prime Minister of Denmark.  Q. By the year 3000, how many versions of AOL have been released?


A:Patrick Stewart's head
Q:How many Alien vs. Predator movies are there in 3000
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #409 on: 08-17-2005 08:24 »
« Last Edit on: 08-17-2005 08:24 »
A:5 Q:Will there be anoter Red Dwarf Movie in 3000 and if so how many? (Also: Originally posted by ebotron: A. 158,000,000,000 (one hundred and fifty eight billion) one version for each omecronion baby eaten in a problem with poplers
I thought it was a hundred and ninty eight billion)


A: In the year 3000, everyone is a chocoholic, ever since they invented chocohal.
Q: How is chocohal so addictive that everyone is addicted to it?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. In the year 2067 when a rabid StarWars fan chops off his head and he is saved by the jar technology.
Q. How old is Kif?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. In the 1700's during the British Colonial "Stamp Act" years.
Q. What is Leela's favorite TV show?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. His ship would be destroyed by orbital defense systems as it tried to land.
Q. How old is Nibbler?


A: Lipstck, because she only has one I.
Q: If Fry and Leela DID get married and have a child, what would the child's name be?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Al: A: Lipstck, because she only has one I.
 It took me three times reading over that to finally get it... Answer: Lyla Fry. Question: What's on the planet Dog Doo 7?


Q: What species were the aliens that destroyed New York?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

A. He had it installed in 2997 to make him look more evil.
Q. Did Seymour have any puppies?


A: No.
Q: Do the nibblonians reproduce, or live forever?


A: Yes
Q: How mant giant brains were there?


A: Shamefully
Q: How do all those HUGE creatures fit inside Nibbler's gut?


A: Built in girdle
Q: Why does zoidberg barf jewlery?