<--- obvious
Originally posted by i_c_weiner:
#1-Don't overuse "!"'s.
#2-Use Search.
#3-Somebody'll come along with the link.
#4-Welcome to PEEL. Enjoy your stay at Nerd-World.
And that one is [edit]not[/edit] me. Here is the oldest and still most common thread for favorite characters:
Favorite Character By search he meant that you should make usage of this:
function before opening new threads. Many topics have been discussed, or at least mentioned before. Things like favorite xyz have for sure!
Welcome to PEEL, Fry=$$$.
Please also take a look at the official,
inofficial PEELers' FAQ, if you got any question regarding PEEL and its behaviour.
Enjoy your stay here at Nerd-world.
edit: beaten by David A, who got the same thread.