Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I'm wondering what the message in the beggining credits is, anyone know?
DOOP Secretary
Fun for the whole family Except Grandma and Grandpa
I love that ST:TNG episode with Data's head and Mark Twain! That part where... oh yeah, Futurama commentary...
I had the flu last night (and still have it now... crappy flu-shot), so my sense of humour was probably a bit off, but I was a little disappointed. I liked the Back To the Future-esque storyline (although it was pretty grim, and I think it rested a bit too heavily on the shock value); it's one of those puzzles that you can't solve. Oedipal, too.
"No dessert, just coffee!"
Boffo episode, though unless Mildred had managed to convince a bewildered Enos to make her already pregnant, we've got the problem of Fry's DNA, though I'm sure that can be explained with F-rays, atomic testing, and Nibblonian intervention.
Is Farnsworth still going to call Fry his uncle?
DOOP Secretary
I'm still chuckling over:
Ooh, a buffet! If only I had my wallet. Um, it's free. ::Insert high-pitched squeal here:: ::Food starts splattering against the mirror:: ::Shot of Zoidberg's face slurping up the food from the mirror::
Bending Unit
A bit late (got carried away with the internet thingy and downloaded some Invade Zim episodes, too...) , but here goes. Well, good old doctor Zoidberg was again the star of the show. The interrogation, autopsy and the ending scenes were hillarious. And Bender, the flying saucer robot and his thoughts on safety belts, OMG! I sure hope he learned his lesson. Overall, this was a very good beginning of the new season.
DOOP Secretary
A red X? I could have sworn it was: Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Fun for the whole family Except Grandma and Grandpa
I'm still upset that I didn't get to see it.
He had his period and grew new sperm.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #72 on: 12-19-2001 15:38 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2001 15:38 »
Um, men don't have "periods," per se. At least not as far as I can remember. Besides, the whole sterilization question has been asked and answered here.
DOOP Secretary
NOOOoooo!!!!111 Com back FshyJoe! 'll mace a shrine forr u!
DOOP Secretary
I finally get to see Roswell that ends well from those nice guys from the net cafe, and thanks to Craig form the chat room for copying the episode on cd for me I really like the episode, it has great bits in. love the bit where Bender's arm stoled that guy wallet. and wow Bender is older than we thought Zoidberg was funny in some parts and Truman was very very. Fry's ex Granpa was cute and funny. I found it weird that Fry was his own granpa but it was funny too. his Granma was funny after she and Fry spend the night togeter. I wish I was like Leela slapping Fry for what he done. Fry you sick B'stard! Farnsworth and Leela looked cool in their 1940's clothes.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Oh merciful mother of all that which is good and pure!! What a great episode! Okay, I know I'm way behind schedule here, but I've finally seen it. Excellent season-opener. Enough zany action, and sci-fi references to make me happy. Very good use of all the main-characters involved. Most have already been said, but that's not gonna stop me. Zoidy, well Zoidy ruled this episode. All his actions and remarks during captivity and interogation was hillarious. And as mentioned by several his mad dash for the buffet, when he realized it was free. This is the way Zoidy should be written, not stupid, not pathetic as such, just your friendly, neighbourhood alien, who desperately wants to be your friend. The rest of the gang was good too. Farnswoth and Leela in the white goods store, was brilliant. The chauvanistic salesman was the perfect opponent for Leela. Fry' troubles with his grandfolks was also very good. The problems with time-paradoxes was handled great, way better than ST:Voyager has ever done. It is ALWAYS good to see Leela kick some butt, whether it be personal or using the PE ship. The story flowed nicely, very wellwritten and filled with good references to the "Roswell-conspiracy", ST, and other things. Let us keep this up folks. Short comment: Things I like Loved the part about Area 51. "Then we have to really land on the moon, invent NASA, and tell 'em to get of their fannies" The continious misuse of Zoidy. "Alright, here is the plan: Zoidberg, pick up the pieces. Everone else, take five." Zoidy's first words to the military dudes. "Hello. So what are you guys doing to tonight, I'm up for whatever." The ST:TOS reference (I think it is ST:TOS) "No problem the ship is fixed, except for the cupholder, and I should have that operational within 10 hours. - You got 8!" The ST:TNG reference (Times Arrow I + II) The attack on Rosweel Airbase, and the rescue of Zoidy. Okay time to stop weaving. Love it, I'd call that a 10 (maybe I'm just starved for a new episode) Some wonderments: If the supernove is such an once-in-a-lifetime oppurtunity, where in Legoland is Amy and Hermes? That clip of Zoidy slurping the two-way-mirror, I know I've seen it in a sci-fi movie, and I can't remember which. Any suggestions, PEEL'ers?
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
FINALLY it has just aired in the UK! Absolutely brilliant episode, it was well worth the wait. The storyline was superb and it was really well written. It had great pace and loads of great funny moments and and one liners. I'm on a real high right now, it is one of my favorite episodes, I really like the way the characters were used. Zoidbergs autopsy was hilarious and seeing how the people of 1947 reacted to him. Was it me or were the visuals and animation amazing! Plenty of CGI and extremely well blended in to the rest of the animation, I like the way it was spread through the episode too They did a good job of using CGI while representing 1947 making it feel like the time it was set in while using modern techniques. I loved the way the plot twisted with some real surprises and great dilemmas which the crew had to deal with. Fry's grandfather dieing, Fry becoming his own grandfather, stealing the microwave dish and Benders head remaining in 1947. I liked the retro settings and thought that they looked really realistic and well researched. It ended pretty well and the whole thing felt spot on, amazing premiere