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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3ACV19] - Roswell that Ends Well  (Read 16469 times)
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Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #120 on: 01-06-2012 02:51 »

Yep, that episode was nearly perfect.
The reversal of the "Fish out of temporary waters" roles was excellent :)
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #121 on: 01-06-2012 22:15 »

This episode is absolutely brilliant, and one of the defining episodes of the series for me. It deserves nothing less than a 10/10.
That's one hell of a goof.
No it isn't.

I also think it was great and all (10/10 also), but it was still a huge goof.

« Reply #122 on: 01-06-2012 23:31 »

Wait, what goof are you talking about?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 01-06-2012 23:57 »

I think SGB is referring to this "goof":


Sorry I just thought of something about this episode. Fry's father's entire side of the family has been name Yancy up until Fry. So why would Fry's grandfather on his dad's side be named Enos instead of Yancy. This is just something I thought of trying to figure out through PEEL. I've always wondered it.

But hobbitboy has already refuted it:

Mr. Fry: Son, your name is Yancy, just like me and my grandfather and so on. All the way back to minuteman Yancy Fry, who blasted commies in the American Revolution.

Note that Mr. Fry (Philip's dad) doesn't say …me and my father and so on…. By being excluded from the list Mr. Fry implies that his father (Philip's grandfather) was not named Yancy.

Or he's talking about something else and I'm totally off-base here. I can't think of any other goofs--supposed or actual--in this episode, though.

Anyway: I don't think I can say anything about this episode that hasn't already been said. It's hilarious, it's brilliant, it's beautiful to look at. It's one of those episodes that always makes me feel awesome when I watch it; it's just good fun.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #124 on: 01-07-2012 09:09 »

The only problem I have with this ep is the awkward filler scene where Fry puts on the All Purpose Spray... It just kind of drags on, and they could have at least put some dialogue in there or made it slightly more interesting...

But overall, perfect episode.

"One devilled egg."
"Devilled egg?!"
"The same devilled egg."


Space Pope
« Reply #125 on: 01-07-2012 11:15 »

I think that's an example of a joke that goes on for just a little bit too long. Not by much though.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 01-07-2012 15:18 »

The only problem I have with this ep is the awkward filler scene where Fry puts on the All Purpose Spray... It just kind of drags on, and they could have at least put some dialogue in there or made it slightly more interesting...

I've never found it a problem myself. The episode has such a fast pace overall that it's nice to take a little breather and slow things down for a bit, plus the joke is decent so doesn't matter...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 01-07-2012 15:44 »

I've always found that spray can joke perfectly acceptable, and not at all filler-y. Really, I think this is one of the few episodes of the series ("The Problem With Popplers" may be the only other) that I don't believe makes even one misstep, joke-wise. Every gag hits its intended mark. Maybe that sounds a bit effusive, but it's true.

The only thing that bugs me about this episode--and it's a really minor gripe--is the reveal the morning after Fry does the nasty in the pasty. Leela and the Professor and Bender stand at the window for a beat without reacting; that silence there has always seemed weird to me.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 01-07-2012 17:32 »

I think that's an example of a joke that goes on for just a little bit too long. Not by much though.

I never found it as a joke at all, more of a cool product used in the future.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #129 on: 01-07-2012 17:38 »

The only thing that bugs me about this episode--and it's a really minor gripe--is the reveal the morning after Fry does the nasty in the pasty. Leela and the Professor and Bender stand at the window for a beat without reacting; that silence there has always seemed weird to me.

Yes! That too!

Space Pope
« Reply #130 on: 01-08-2012 00:27 »

The only thing that bugs me about this episode--and it's a really minor gripe--is the reveal the morning after Fry does the nasty in the pasty. Leela and the Professor and Bender stand at the window for a beat without reacting; that silence there has always seemed weird to me.

I thought that was hilarious! (I have no idea if it was intentionally a joke, but still!)
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 01-08-2012 02:33 »

I believe they were thinking about what just happened for a second.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #132 on: 01-08-2012 03:23 »

Yeah, slowly processing what they were seeing. And then re-processing it because their first impression must surely be wrong. But no... and they belatedly react in unison.

Space Pope
« Reply #133 on: 01-08-2012 03:54 »

Or they were secretly enjoying watching Fry sleep with his Grandmother.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #134 on: 01-08-2012 04:04 »

Maybe that is a popular fetish in the future, like how coldangel likes to cut off his dick when he gets an 'ol stiffey, petrify it, then use it as his toothbrush. He makes his own toothpaste too. ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #135 on: 01-08-2012 10:23 »

If Mazzie told you that, it's a filthy lie, and I shall discipline her.

Space Pope
« Reply #136 on: 01-08-2012 10:40 »

I only told them about your secret desire to sleep with your female relatives, preferably in the past. I said nothing about your toothpaste.

I always just thought the gang were staring at Fry in half disbelief, half we-can-gossip-about-this-later.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #137 on: 01-08-2012 14:36 »

The only thing that bugs me about this episode--and it's a really minor gripe--is the reveal the morning after Fry does the nasty in the pasty. Leela and the Professor and Bender stand at the window for a beat without reacting; that silence there has always seemed weird to me.

I thought that was hilarious! (I have no idea if it was intentionally a joke, but still!)
I believe they were thinking about what just happened for a second.

That's how I saw it too. Trying to process WTF they were seeing, and the implications. Which to be fair, would have a few people's heads in a boggle if they were in that situation.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #138 on: 01-08-2012 14:39 »

If Mazzie told you that, it's a filthy lie, and I shall discipline her.

Hedonismbot told me.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #139 on: 01-08-2012 14:46 »

I'm also gonna chip in here and agree that the silence at the window was fine, it was just them trying to to take all of the situation in. Really there is no part of Roswell That Ends Well that I don't like. If things like that are picked up upon as the worst parts then what does that say about the ep? That it's bloody fantastic, that's what!...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #140 on: 01-08-2012 15:23 »

The only thing that bugs me about this episode--and it's a really minor gripe--is the reveal the morning after Fry does the nasty in the pasty. Leela and the Professor and Bender stand at the window for a beat without reacting; that silence there has always seemed weird to me.

I thought that was hilarious! (I have no idea if it was intentionally a joke, but still!)
I believe they were thinking about what just happened for a second.

That's how I saw it too. Trying to process WTF they were seeing, and the implications. Which to be fair, would have a few people's heads in a boggle if they were in that situation.

I don't think it plays that way, though. They're kind of just staring at him blankly, and they wait until the camera has pulled back completely to react. It feels almost like they're waiting for a cue to respond or something.

Again, though, my complaint about that moment is halfhearted at best--and it's not like a second of so-so acting in an otherwise amazing episode actually lowers my opinion of it at all.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #141 on: 01-16-2012 05:29 »

So I was watching this and was just thinking, "you know why these old eps are great? Not that many current references". Then I heard the Greg Kinnear line and was like...dammit. Although I laughed at that, and he is from Fry's time. The Karcrapians and Lady Gaggag aren't.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #142 on: 01-16-2012 05:32 »

So I was watching this and was just thinking, "you know why these old eps are great? Not that many current references". Then I heard the Greg Kinnear line and was like...dammit. Although I laughed at that, and he is from Fry's time.

It's one of those that Fry would actually know about, and that's what makes it forgivable for me.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #143 on: 01-16-2012 06:42 »

Exactly. That's what the difference is between references from old episodes and references now.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 01-16-2012 17:13 »

On the topic of pop culture references, I think the Prius line in TFHS is actually alright. The explanation behind it on the commentary makes it seem fine, plus, I like to imagine the future has Hover Priuses, that's why Fry knew about it....

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 01-17-2012 00:36 »
« Last Edit on: 01-17-2012 00:37 »

I think it has a lot to do with who they choose to insert too. Nerds/geeks do not want a show they like to be associated with people like Kardashians or Lady Gaga, even if they are making fun of them. The reference is unnecessary, and at the very least, illogical to the time period Fry came from.

Greg Kinnear...he's okay. And the joke was funny. What did happen to him? Hahah

Urban Legend
« Reply #146 on: 01-17-2012 03:27 »

Personally I loved Fry's Leno joke in 'Law & Oracle'. But then, I suppose that Leno is someone from his time, too.

The Lady Gaga line never bothered me. It's not a funny line particularly, but I think she's a big enough celebrity now that it's likely that she'll still be around as a head in a jar (at very least) in 1,000 years time (within the world of the show, obviously).
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #147 on: 01-17-2012 23:52 »

It seemed like filler, but not that bothering at all...weird.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #148 on: 01-17-2012 23:59 »

Personally I loved Fry's Leno joke in 'Law & Oracle'. But then, I suppose that Leno is someone from his time, too.

And hasn't Leno previously been mentioned as a still-relevant celebrity? I'm thinking specifically of Bender's reported feud with him in "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television."

The Lady Gaga line never bothered me. It's not a funny line particularly, but I think she's a big enough celebrity now that it's likely that she'll still be around as a head in a jar (at very least) in 1,000 years time (within the world of the show, obviously).

I'm bothered less by how contemporary the reference is, and more by how forced it is. Billy West himself seems unsure of how to read the line--and the weirdness of its delivery just makes it even more conspicuous. It probably would have sailed right past me if not for its clunkiness; "Lady Gaga-esque fame hag" has too many syllables or something. I don't know.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #149 on: 01-19-2012 03:05 »

Leno was also mentioned in When Aliens Attack -

Lrrr: [on TV] And now we must return to our planet, to
catch the end of a thousand-year-old Leno monologue.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 03-11-2012 22:44 »
« Last Edit on: 03-11-2012 22:46 »

Okay, so, if you were to go back in time and kill your Grandfather, it would mean you never existed, which means you could not have travelled back in time, which then means you could not have killed your Grandfather, therefore you'd still be alive.

So, wouldn't your Grandfather be invincible?

Or, when you kill him, his body gets revived, and you're simply removed from the family tree? So you both still exist, but you yourself are not related to this man anymore. Therefore anyone; so you're kind of trapped in the past (unless you have a method of returning to the future) as a nobody. Anytime you go, you'll be just a person with no family.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 03-12-2012 01:49 »

It's a paradox.


Space Pope
« Reply #152 on: 03-12-2012 06:05 »

Here's what I think:

You would technically still exist, but when you return to your original time period, no-one would recognize you since your actions created an alternate universe in which you were never born.

You were still born in your original universe before you traveled through time, but in the "current" universe you weren't born.

I'm not sure if I explained that well or not.  :shifty:
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 03-12-2012 11:35 »

Just watched it! People think I'm crazy for re-watching Futurama episodes - but I saw something I never noticed before!

Behold! Light speed briefs!

(five minutes later)
Oh Daffodil! Can't get a frame grab, the briefs must have been going at light speed! But there you have it, the Zapper wears underwear!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #154 on: 03-12-2012 11:45 »


How many Jamaican cigars did you enjoy upon viewing? ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #155 on: 03-12-2012 22:11 »

People think I'm crazy for re-watching Futurama episodes

Uh... Wut?
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #156 on: 05-26-2012 13:19 »

"Roswell That Ends Well"

Fry with his Grandad Yancy

Once again we have another classic episode. This one defiantly stands out as it is almost always in everyones top five (With many considering it the best ever) I wouldn't go as far as saying it's the best ever but it so brilliant is is defiantly top five worthy. The story is engaging but what's better than the story is the jokes - Almost everything hits, every character is used to their full potential with Zoidberg and Fry being at their best ever in my opinion.

Nothing felt out of place and every little plot point paid off. I could go on about how great this episode is, so I will, the plot was so creative and ingenious that even if half the jokes were cut out, this would still be considered one of the series best. A few highlights include...

  • "What smells like blue?"
  • Zoidberg being captured
  • Fry's attempts to save Yancy
  • "And you are outta here!"
  • Leela and the Professor in their 1940's outfits

    I could list about a hundred things more but I will just sum this episode up in one word - Classic.

    18/20 (A)  :)
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #157 on: 05-29-2012 00:16 »

Easily on of Futurama's beste episodes:

- For not liking/not wishing to overdue time travel scenarios, these usually work surprisingly well in Futurama :D
- The Rosewell conspiracy is a classic, and the episode did it justice :)
- The sheer number of subplots is fascinating (Zoidberg as the Alien, Bender as the UFO, Leela and Farnsworth looking for the microwave, Fry "saving" Yancy, Fry becoming his own grandfather). And they managed those subplots to harmonize, instead of getting in each others way (as it imhO happend with the three subplots in "Overclockwise")
- The gags and dialogs were spot on.

« Reply #158 on: 10-05-2013 00:50 »


This episode along with Luck of The Fryrish, and Cyber House Rules is a classic. It's one of the best of Season 3, and one of the best of the show overall. People around my way are really familiar with this episode, and loved it. I mean going back to Roswell 1947 sounds kind of like a cheap idea on paper, but it played out brilliantly. Definitely in there with either my top 10 or top 15.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #159 on: 10-05-2013 03:44 »
« Last Edit on: 10-05-2013 03:47 »


This was another classic episode, and a great way to kick off Broadcast Season 4 (ehem, might I mention a month late, Fox :mad:). There were some very funny bits in this episode. I really enjoyed it.
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