
Liquid Emperor
« on: 12-09-2001 14:35 »
Here you go, the review/thoughts thread for roswell. I know we sort of have two places to post about the new episode, but cut and paste is valid  plus, peel is suited for discussion, cgef is only for review. Keep this thread clean of chit chat though. This thread will include SPOILERS so stop reading if you dont want to know.
Gila Monster


Damn you all lucky Americans, you have Season 4 just premiered! *sob* I want it too... *sob* It took 3 years for Futurama to premiere here in Russia (WOOOOOT Season 1 premiers TOMORROW, 10 Dec WOOOOOOOOT).
No Futurama and No New Episodes makes Gila Monster CRAZY.


It's only at the two minute warning and it's 6:10.  I'm sure I'm the first person with this thought: Fox stinks. Looks like there will be no review from me. (Stupid rant: I live in Minnesota. Fox usually shows every single Vikings game in this town. Today, CBS showed the Vikes game and Fox showed a movie at noon, so we were left with the Redskins at 3. How incredibly lame.)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Welcome to PEEL, chinaski. I'll weep for all Americans who can't see the episode tonight because of NFL.  But consider the fact that we Europeans (and other Terrans out there) wont get the chance to see the new season before hell freezes over  (well, on television at least).


728905436789)^&*()!^$&#*)(!%^&#@*$_^!*&@()$#^!&~*$(_^&@#!~*()!!!!!!!!!!! Any questions?

DOOP Secretary

Rawkus. One of the better episodes I've seen in a while. I like to see that the ship's torpedo tubes get some usage. Otherwise, it was pretty funny. The crew protecting the future gave Zoidberg a great opportunity to make some serious gains. I particularly enjoyed his interrogation by Harry Truman. The premise of Fry knocking boots with his grandma wasn't that bad, until she turned out to be so grandmotherly. Other than that, it was a good, screwball episode.


Yes. Usually "primetime" isn't announced at the end of the post-game show when something like this is going to happen. Someday.

DOOP Secretary

Hmm . . . just to add a bit of fresh air to this REVIEW thread . . . Brilliant episode. Chock full of laughs. They used every character brilliantly. And negative for using a cliched plot development: Giving a new meaning to "I'm My Own Grandpa but all in all, totally worth the wait.

DOOP Secretary

We interrupt this football game for Futurama.
Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 12-09-2001 21:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-09-2001 21:01 by Nixorbo »
I say! What a great season opener. Not only was the plot great, but the jokes within it were great as well: Fry spraying on his army suit, Fry smelling blue, Fry getting Enos is more danger than Enos would have originally gotten himself into. One of the first things you would have definitely noticed were the effects. There were more computerized images and moving objects were blurred to give it a more realistic look to it. Futurama has obviously upgraded to a better level. The cinematography is great! There are always different methods in which to travel through time, and I think the Futurama staff did a good job with that.
It was hilarious how Bender still managed to steal a wallet with his arm independent from his body. Was it just me or did you just laugh your ass off when Zoidberg freaked out when he found out that the buffet was free?! Thank God I wasn't drinking anything, because I would have spit it out! Seeing Farnsworth and Leela in a new get-up is always fun. It's great how consistent Futurama is; Leela did say "axe" instead of "ask" after all. The best part was when Enos hinted that he was gay. Fry’s reaction was the funniest! Truman is such a nut! Wait, if Enos died, he didn't get to clean the toilet! The sergeant still ate on it! Finally, Zoidberg made a funny intended joke! Seeing the Planet Express ship blow the crap out of the military base is always a good thing. Leela can still kick ass even with a jetpack.
At first it was their mission to not change the past, but screw that! You know that classic old example of how you can become your own grandfather? Who actually expected anybody to revolve an episode around it? Again, Fry gets lucky...ew. And, of course, gotta love all of that slapping Fry received from Leela.
My favorite quotes:
Fry: No dessert for me, just coffee!
Fry: I dunno, maybe God l loves me Bender laughs
Mildred: No sir, I'm afraid I don't take much solace in the fact that the implosion trigger functioned perfectly.
Zoidberg: Are you coming on to me? President Truman: Hot crackers! I take exception to that! Zoidberg: I didn't hear a no.
Farnsworth: Oh, a lesson in not change history from Mr. I'm my own Grandpa!

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary


DOOP Secretary

The more I think about it, the more I wonder...is Fry his own grandfather? Couldn't Enos have impregnated his fiancee prior to this episode? Maybe fornication wasn't accepted in 1940's culture, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Enos isn't a sailor home from sea duty, but he was a soldier and WWII just ended two years ago...but then again, who am I to speculate?


No one meantioned yet..Bender being trapped in the ground for over 1050 years and he was enjoying it...until Fry dug him up! it was typical Bender! Great stuff!

DOOP Secretary

DT88, I think/thought that is a very viable possibility. Although it really does depend on Enos being smart enough . . .

DOOP Secretary

Incidently, favorite scenes:
"Everyone put on your seatbelts!" "Eh, those things cost more lives than they save" ::Bender goes for a flying lesson::
::Zoidberg patches up his shell with duct tape:: "There, good as new!" "Don't you need this?" "Oh no, that's my, ARRRGGGGHHHH! . . . Got you."

DOOP Secretary

Heh. Lister does have Fry beat out, doesn't he?

DOOP Secretary

I live on the East Coast and I saw Futurama.


Do not move to LA. It's a trap! Go back!!

Starship Captain
I thought the season opener was great - but then again I have been starved for new Futurama so this may have been a cup of sand and not water.  Visually a superb episode. I love to see the Planet Express ship fly around - it always looks great! The jeeps and airplanes were really cool as well. Lots of great moments in this episode especially with Zoidberg. The interrogation scene was great as well as the autopsy one. My first thought on Mildred was that she was already pregnant before Fry did anything with her, after all Enis and Mildered were already engaged at this point. Sure Enis would have been reluctant considering his persuasion but as we found out later Mildred had some tempting cookies and knew how to use them.  Benders head being dug up 1000 years in the future reminded me of the plot line to X-O Manowar at the end of the Unity storyline. Very cool. I also cracked up when Zoidberg started picking up Bender's pieces. I just thought the scene was funny in the way it was done. Well, that is all I will post about this episode for now - I am going to go have some graviolas! RM

DOOP Secretary

Actually, I thought the Bender's head was almost straight out of ST:TNG. The episode where they find Data's head in an excavation under San Fransisco.