Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

I think that Futurama has a chance currently to come back more then it ever has. I hope that if FOX sees the success that Family Guy produces, they will reconsider renewing Futurama. Or we could just wait until American Dad gets cancelled and Futurama can take it's place.  (No seriously, it sucks ass).

DOOP Secretary

I agree wit Nasty. We all know that American Dad will be canceled sooner or later,(I say for us all to stop watching it and "find other was to watch it", so it doesn't count towards ratings and it'll get canceled faster.) and if Arrested Devolpment gets the ax(which I hope it doesn't) or if it gets moved to another night, there's two slots open for Futurama coming back. There's one for sure. I will start to watch Family Guy now, since I noticed that showing support to our brother/sister show will be good. Watching Family Guy will show that an uncanceled show can come back and show fan support. I say watch FG and Simpsons, don't watch Am.D. If my idea is right, that is.

DOOP Secretary

"If something's hopeless, you just gotta hope harder, and cover your ears and go "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!"
That's my feeling on the whole thing, minus the "hopeless" part, since this is not hopeless yet.
Liquid Emperor
Once the 3d models are complete it's actually faster than trying to figure out the perspective of each cell in each view. You can zip out a whole motion sequence pretty quickly. I have a hunch that the expense was more in the details, coloring, etc. Futurama seems to be done in a high frame rate too (yeah!).
I know the Simpsons voice actors were holding out for much bigger bucks a while ago. I know Billy West grumbled in one of his interviews about name guest stars getting big bucks for a small parts in shows that he did (not sure if he was talking about Futurama, though). So that's probably going to cost about the same what ever your making and the regular crew might not be the problem.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by futz: I know the Simpsons voice actors were holding out for much bigger bucks a while ago. I know Billy West grumbled in one of his interviews about name guest stars getting big bucks for a small parts in shows that he did (not sure if he was talking about Futurama, though). So that's probably going to cost about the same what ever your making and the regular crew might not be the problem. Simpsons (and, presumably, Futurama) guests are paid next to nothing. I'm not even sure if they get paid at all, though I think they get just a little, along with a special jacket and a tape of the completed episode later. I think the idea is that they're being done a favor anyway (publicity), plus a lot of them request to be on just because they're fans or whatever, and only have to do minimal work, so they don't get paid the way the voice actors do (the Simpsons regulars are paid a lot because the show actually needs them to continue. Lose any of the main six, and the show would have to end. And they can make the demands, because the show is so valuable to Fox). I think what Billy was actually ranting about was more about movies and shows where they cast the main characters with big stars, many of who can't voice act particularly well. The voice acting field itself is very competitive due to somewhat limited roles, and then these big stars come in and take all these movie roles (think of something like Shark Tale, where they had Will Smith, Renee Zellwegger, etc, but essentially no professional voice actors) and sometimes tv roles as well. Incidentally I'd have to agree with Billy.