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Author Topic: Futurama  (Read 1004 times)
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« on: 05-01-2005 05:30 »

I don't see why my last topic was closed... but anyway I was going to say something like this on my view of futurama

when simpsons first came out before it was famous at all I watched it on tv and thought it was brilliant (nothing else was like it at the time). Once I got bored of it, it suddenly blew up. Sadly I don't think it was meant to be serious and it was underestimated how popular it was to become.
 Therefore Groening and co had to develop these characters that weren't so good to keep the show running (I think its by far its sellby date).
 Matt Groening has been quoted as saying he likes the future, and add to that all the snide scientific/mathematical/everything references in the show (binary digits in The Honking are 666, various paradoxes in The Farnsworth Paradox) and I think Futurama is the best thing ever.
 The thing is, is that the majority of people aren't interested in these sorts of things, and people's lives tend to concentrate more on their own social circles and hence most films and such all are about social situations (the popularity of the simpsons and the family guy).
 i've seen odd bits of futurama here and there before, but I decided at the beginning of the week to finally get and watch then all... I'm glad I did :')

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 05-01-2005 05:42 »

Your last topic was closed because it was very similar to another topic.

This one is going to be closed because it doesn't appear to have a topic.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 05-01-2005 05:43 »
« Last Edit on: 05-01-2005 05:43 »

yes we know(genjix), don't feel cheated if this gets closed when a mod sees it and if you try and recreate it too many times you might get banned, anyway why didn' you post this on the thread nixorbo linked you to.
Originally posted by Nixorbo:
It's been done
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 05-01-2005 05:44 »

genjix, I like your style!...

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 05-01-2005 05:49 »

by the way, everyone on this forum thinks futurama is great so it was pointless recreating an old thread Twice Just To Tell Us That

Delivery Boy
« Reply #5 on: 05-01-2005 13:59 »

I think there should be a permeanent thread where every new member makes his or her speech about Futurama.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 05-01-2005 14:21 »

There already has been.
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