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Author Topic: Futurama - The Game  (Read 997 times)
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« on: 04-25-2005 13:05 »

Hi Everyone,

I expect more than likely that this topic will have been ground into a pulp already, but I'd like to say my bit about the Futurama game on XBox/PS2. I've been playing it for a few hours and I just had to come on here to say one thing:


I mean, what the hell is going on with that? What was wrong with 2D??? If it ain't broke, don't try and fix the bugger! It's a crying shame, because it always happens with Movie/TV titles ... you always get some half-baked crap fly off the shelf with the badge on it, so the retarded idiots like me think, "Ooo, a Futurama game, that looks like fun!!!", and put their hand in their pocket for it!

Incidentally, the game is extremely irritating to play. The camera doesn't work, the graphics while engaging are a bit of a let down ... the one saving grace was the sound score, with contributions from Billy, Katey and John ... personally, it's my warning to all you guys and gals: don't bother, leave it on the shelf.

Apologies in advance to all the non gamers in the forum. I'd be interested to hear if anybody else feels differently, but I just had to do my bit to ensure other unsuspecting gamers don't suffer the same fate.

Normal service will be resumed ...   :)


The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 04-25-2005 13:14 »

Since I don't have any gaming console I have never played the Futurama game. However some Peeler's opinions on the game have already been posted in the game thread in the Stockroom.

Thoughts On Futurama - The Game (Possible Spoilers).

There are also many more threads in the Stockroom about the game. Just have a look at them if you like to.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 04-25-2005 17:16 »

Because, you know, 3-D platformers are such a recent innovation ...
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