
Liquid Emperor
« on: 12-04-2001 02:48 »
« Last Edit on: 12-04-2001 02:48 »
Our lovable rascal Jon did an interview with David X Cohen for CGEF (plain version, visit the article section first if you want it with pictures and such). It includes some spoilers about season 4 also. Nice to see someone taking his time for the web based fans. Have fun reading and commenting. so Amy becomes kinda pregnant with Kiffy? Wonder how the Krytonists will react to that 


Wow, great stuff. Thanks for doing the interview!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Nice interview, thanx! You really are high in the ranks to be able to ask David X Cohen questions.


« Reply #15 on: 12-04-2001 22:22 »
« Last Edit on: 12-04-2001 22:22 »
Originally posted by [-mArc-]:so Amy becomes kinda pregnant with Kiffy? Heh, it's a little more complicated than that (  ) & it's really a fun ep. I saw the 'color' of it well over a month ago. It's one of two 'Wes Archer' episodes this year. And his second one is really good, too. (that's where that 'sad Fry with Nibbler' pic I made comes from.)


Well, as long as the surprise didn't come from 'ME', I still have a job.  But not for long. I've got a nice 2.5 month long hiatus coming up, & I plan to use it sleeping & rolling around in my own filth. I love hiatus! 


« Reply #20 on: 12-05-2001 01:07 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2001 01:07 »
Not likely Velour.  For the past 12 years, I've enjoyed what usually only teachers enjoy in summertime throughout the States ......time off to wallow in their own filth. And now it's my turn once again! I don't really wallow around in my own filth......I just watch minimal TV, & post like a fiend on the boards. And I hope you'll be here to yell back at me!

DOOP Secretary

Yeah I read the interveiw and I thought it was good. Very nice work you CGEF guys

DOOP Secretary

And what about Dr. Zoidberg? You don't even inquire about him? His people will invade Earth, though that may not air until season 5, depending on how the schedule works out. I can't wait for this episode!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Some side characters who will be reappearing here and there are Bubblegum Tate (Commander of the Harlem Globetrotters), Cubert (the Professor's clone)
Bubblegum Tate? YES!! Cubert? NO!! Don't they listen to the fans? It's ST:TNG all over again. It will follow a rebroadcast of the first Xmas special. The old one features John Goodman
And I hope he'll return as Evil Santa.
This I'm particularly looking forward to: Kif and Amy will cross paths a couple of times this year, culminating with a very sci-fi pregnancy toward the end of the season, probably in April, 2002. Makes you wonder. What is the baby gonna look like? Like Amy, with a bald head, BIG eyes and supported by a system of inflatable bladders? Like a female Kif, with yellow skin and Amys hair? 


« Reply #25 on: 12-05-2001 22:34 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2001 22:34 »
Originally posted by Nixorbo:
And what about Dr. Zoidberg? You don't even inquire about him? His people will invade Earth, though that may not air until season 5, depending on how the schedule works out. I can't wait for this episode! Me too. I worked on that episode. They showed the color tonight at work, but I blew it off & continued working instead. I'd rather see it when it airs on TV with the music, sound effects, etc. It's one of the eps they had to change quite a bit because of 9/11. I was ( & will continue tomorrow) working on the shadow effects of one scene (in 0414) where Benders' getting zapped with electricity from a machine. The shadow effects are eccentric. They go everywhere. It's fun to work on. I included that Myst-like ribcage shadow (because of the shape of the machine).


Originally posted by Sarge: Me too. I worked on that episode. They showed the color tonight at work, but I blew it off & continued working instead. I'd rather see it when it airs on TV with the music, sound effects, etc. I once saw the second part of the internet episode like that. Even though there was no sound (besides the voices), it was cool.  Btw, glad most of you liked the interview. Hopefully I'll keep in touch with David for the future.

Starship Captain
hey everybody. great interview jon. i didn't think you'd actually include my spur of the moment question. look everybody, a barfy face: i've never actually used that one before.


Well, at least the quoted material made sense.