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Author Topic: Ask a random question, get a random answer (Volume III)  (Read 27420 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #240 on: 04-19-2005 16:06 »

A: Hmmm, maybe that question belongs in the "Would You Rather? GAME" thread. 

...but, I would rather indulge with Hedonismbot.  Drinking with Flexo could easily result in an unwanted stabbing.

Q: I assume that Hedonismbot is now alcohol-powered.  Therefore, what is his favorite drink?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #241 on: 04-19-2005 16:22 »

Wine! Sorry, I forgot which thread I was in when I wrote that!

If you could be any character for 1 day who would you be, and what would you do?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #242 on: 04-19-2005 16:53 »

A. Fry. Marble eating contest. Make out session with Leela optional.

Q. Are there any other Hypnotoads besides the one we all know and worship? Why or why not?

Bending Unit
« Reply #243 on: 04-19-2005 17:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-19-2005 17:22 »

A: The Hypnotoad is one of a kind.  He was genetically engineered by a group of aged scientists from the Assisted Living Nebula as part of a plot to get revenge on Zapp for his unwarranted attack on their homeworld.  Once the Hypnotoad matured, however, he quickly subjugated the scientists through his special abilities.  Not having fine motor control, or opposable thumbs, however, the Hypnotoad was unable to correctly plot a course a nearby space vessel, during his escape from the horrors of the Assisted Living Nebula.  As a result, he piloted himself into an asteroid field, where he received a severe concussion and a small amount of brain damage.  We has later intercepted by a bunch of space tourists visiting the asteroid belt, and henceforth was made a pet.  The tourists eventually discovered his abilities (albeit diminished, due to the brain damage), and decided he could easily win some pet competitions.

Q: Suppose that the Hynotoad hadn't received brain damage.  Where would be now, and what would he be doing?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #244 on: 04-19-2005 18:20 »

A. He would be the head of DOOP right now, where he would be, of course, leading DOOP.

Q. Who would be the second in command at DOOP?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #245 on: 04-19-2005 18:27 »

A. The Leader of the Yarn People from Nylar 4.

Q. Where was The Robot Devil born and raised?

No, the answer is not Robot Hell.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #246 on: 04-19-2005 18:29 »

A. The Mechanical Man Underworld of New Jersey.

Q. Where do the bad Jewish robots go?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #247 on: 04-19-2005 22:29 »


What kind of punishments do they indure?

Bending Unit
« Reply #248 on: 04-20-2005 12:50 »

A: They are continually rubbed and slapped with raw pork steaks, which have been marinated in various dairy products.

Plus, since they're in France, they get ridiculed by the French, of course...(e.g. "Pigdog!" ).

Q: Where do bad preacher bots go, and what punishment do they endure?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #249 on: 04-20-2005 14:11 »

Japan. They are forced to participate in endless bad Japanese game shows.

Where do evil bending robots go?
Sith Bender

Delivery Boy
« Reply #250 on: 04-20-2005 15:14 »

A: The bin or some referbising place

Q:The robot 1X robot (invented my MOM corp) is ment to be the best robot ever but u never see them around in the later episodes. Where do they do?
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #251 on: 04-20-2005 15:45 »

A: It turned out that Bender's dream of the island was actually more like a meta-dream, meaning he dreamt that he dreamt it, and therefore he also dreamt the whole X-1 deal-eo...

Q: What made Smitty take up law enforcement?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #252 on: 04-20-2005 15:48 »

He wanted to feel like a big man.

If Smitty went out w/ Leela would Url get jelous?

Bending Unit
« Reply #253 on: 04-20-2005 16:56 »

A: No...He'd just change his name to VoyeurBot, and his "Ahhhh, yeeeah.." catch phrase would take on a whole new meaning...

Q:  Does URL's helmet come off, or is it built into his head?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #254 on: 04-20-2005 18:49 »

A. http://You'll just have to try to find out

Q. What other bands of Fry's before-freezing era did he like?

Bending Unit
« Reply #255 on: 04-20-2005 22:23 »

A:  Katrina & The Waves, Run DMC, M.A.R.S., The Go-Gos, etc. He never really grew out of the 80s.

Q: Aside from Beck and Beastie boys, what other bands/musicians are still around (as robots, heads-in-jars, etc.) in the 31st century?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #256 on: 04-20-2005 22:49 »

Neil Young's head, Kurt Cobainebot(we can't have his head for obvious reasons), The Go-Gobots!

What are some of the concert tours called in the 31st Century?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #257 on: 04-22-2005 22:47 »


A. There is "Zombie Jesus Don't Want to Feel A Sunbeam: The Tour", "Smiley Bot Tour", "Beck: He's Still Alive", and "Nevermind Nirvana, Here's Nirvana 3000: The Tour".

Q. Why is it that people that have been long dead, like George Washington, are heads in jars, while Kurt Cobain, who was creamated(SPELLING!) can't be? And, on a opposite question, what are some of the albums Kurt Cobainbot made in the 3000's? Is he back with Dave Groel and Krist Novalsec(EVIL NAMES!)?

Urban Legend
« Reply #258 on: 04-22-2005 23:09 »

Because it's too dificult even for 31st century technology to gather ashes and turn them back into a head.

What's with i_c's sudden obsession over Kurt Cobain? This is the 3rd or 4th post I've like this tonight  :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #259 on: 04-22-2005 23:12 »

It's not sudden. Look up older posts. And he was murdered, he didn't commit suicide.

Somebody else answer Jicannon's question in a smart-ass form.

« Reply #260 on: 04-22-2005 23:15 »

A. Kurt Cobain came into one of I C's Dreams and told him to spread the word...about himself.

Q. What does it say on Fry's 'Hillarious Apron'?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #261 on: 04-22-2005 23:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2005 23:22 »

He did come to me in a dream!

A. "Jim Morrison Came to Me in a Dream and Said 'If You Book Them, They Will Come'"

Q. What other aprons does Fry have?

Starship Captain
« Reply #262 on: 04-23-2005 12:34 »

A :one that bender made that said "bite my shiny metal ass" which was a gift from bender.

Q:any others?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #263 on: 04-23-2005 12:49 »

A. Yes. One that says "I'm Leela's bitch".

Q. Is Fry Leela's bitch?

Urban Legend
« Reply #264 on: 04-23-2005 18:33 »

A: No
Q: Did Calculon ever get his ears back?

Bending Unit
« Reply #265 on: 04-23-2005 20:36 »

Yes of course. As soon as Leela got her hearing back normally.

  Is Calculon gay, swing the other way (as in BI) , or just plain straight?

Urban Legend
« Reply #266 on: 04-23-2005 20:39 »

I'm pretty sure he's straight.

Would Zoidberg rather eat a guinea pig or a rabbit?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #267 on: 04-23-2005 20:41 »

A. The "or" sounds nice.

Q. Would Farnsworth rather eat a guinea pig, an or, or a rabbit?

Bending Unit
« Reply #268 on: 04-23-2005 20:41 »

A guinea pig.

  Who on the Planet Express crew would Zoidberg find most tasty?

Urban Legend
« Reply #269 on: 04-23-2005 20:43 »

Hermes with his nasty jerk'd food

Who would be more likely to become a rock star - Fry or Amy?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #270 on: 04-23-2005 20:46 »

A. Fry. He has orange hair!

Q. What is an "or"?

Urban Legend
« Reply #271 on: 04-23-2005 20:48 »


Q: Whose (robot) hands would you like to have?

Bending Unit
« Reply #272 on: 04-23-2005 21:08 »


  Who's allover robot-abilities would you like to have?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #273 on: 04-23-2005 21:13 »

A. Smission.

Q. What is Leela's favorite food?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #274 on: 04-24-2005 02:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-24-2005 02:00 »

Originally posted by i_c_weiner:

A. There is "Zombie Jesus Don't Want to Feel A Sunbeam: The Tour", "Smiley Bot Tour", "Beck: He's Still Alive", and "Nevermind Nirvana, Here's Nirvana 3000: The Tour".

Q. Why is it that people that have been long dead, like George Washington, are heads in jars, while Kurt Cobain, who was creamated(SPELLING!) can't be? And, on a opposite question, what are some of the albums Kurt Cobainbot made in the 3000's? Is he back with Dave Groel and Krist Novalsec(EVIL NAMES!)?
On my "With the Lights Out" boxed set, it was spelled spelled  w/ an E. Who am I to trust, Mr. I.C. Weiner or Kurdt's (or Kurt if you like)or my box set?

Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #275 on: 04-24-2005 02:06 »

A: Lucky Charms!

QWhat is Zoidbergs favorite cereal?

Bending Unit
« Reply #276 on: 04-24-2005 02:43 »

A: Cap'n Crunch (he still thinks the captain would put fish in there...)

Q: Maybe in the year 3000 and beyond there IS fish in the Cap'n Crunch cereals. Is there? And why/why not?

Urban Legend
« Reply #277 on: 04-24-2005 16:28 »

No, because you can't crunchatize fish.

What won't Zoidberg eat?
Harry Sach

Bending Unit
« Reply #278 on: 04-24-2005 17:32 »

Anything he has to pay for.

Is there anything H.G. Blob won't eat?

Bending Unit
« Reply #279 on: 04-24-2005 19:54 »

Yes.  He doesn't eat anything, because he has no digestive tract.

What made popplers so magically delicious?
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