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Author Topic: Hey GFF u can call me Wiggles... occasionally!  (Read 911 times)
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« on: 03-13-2005 08:39 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2005 08:39 »

I admit it I was wrong. He does say... Yancy was the name of Fry's father's grandfather and so on but that doesn't make sense. so the name Yancy skips a generation? then why does he name his son Yancy surely he should wait a generation then it would be .... and so on... It's poor writing IN THIS CASE don't shout at me!!!! and why does Fry's mom have the Fry hair and his dad doesn't was ther another instance how the fry hair gene passed down to his mom if it didn't come from Fry I thought I was bein sooooo clever but I guess like we all do I just heard what I wanted to hear. So all hail German Fry Fan and his anal retentiveness to detail as were would we be without him? I'll tell you where still up in the trees flinging our crap at each others still! Anyway I had to start a new post to set the record straight as some impatient mod didn't give me 48hrs to respond! I bet it was that Tweek I've heard all about. So there you go I aint a coward an can admit out loud when I'm wrong.... occasionally... hee hee...

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 03-13-2005 11:22 »

Ok Wiggles! no Kittyminxx is ok with me.  :)

The generations of Yancys could be that every first born is named like that. We know that one generation however wasn't. That generation was known to be named Enos, actually Philip though. I guess that Enos got to be know as his grandfather because of few reasons:
It would have been really hard for Miltred to anounce that she got pregnant from a complete stranger that all of a sudden dissappeared in an never before seen space ship.
Another one is that it would also been hard to raise such a kid all alone back in the fifties.
Enos would be a good fatherfigure and the fact that he died in a military automic test makes his death honorful.

On to Fry's hair...
we've got a long dicussion about that and came to the conclusion which is really quite obvious.
The gene for brown hair is dominant whily the red is recessive. Meaning that when there is one brown one involbed it will allways win.
The red genes will stil be carried by the children though. Yancy Sr. held both genes so, red and brown, with the brown showing off. Now comes Philips mother with her red hair and meets, gets pregnant with Nancy's sperm holding a red gene, too. There you have Philip's red hair.

All is explained in here : if fry is his grampa how was he born looking like himself then when his dad didn' loo .

Next one: It wasn't Tweek who closed your other thread, that was another keeper of the good here on PEEL. The UBERMOD Nixorbo. He holds the powers to ban you, so be gentle to him.

I'll see if I can get the one and only Tweek to close that one here, since we've been discussed all of these topics somewhere else already. Please search for them, instead of opening new threads.  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 03-13-2005 11:33 »

Use the links provided  :)

I didn't close the original thread, I alway say when I close a thread  :) Since you've no set the record straight I'll close this

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