
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Kryten: Like... the little three-eared girl, maybe?
Awww...I LOVED the 3-eared Girl.She was soooo Cute ^^

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

An episode where Kif was the Zappers CO, now that I'll enjoy. Tremendously.


« Reply #46 on: 12-15-2001 15:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2001 15:01 »
Originally posted by Teral: A What-If- episode in which Leela is a highly respected archaeologist. I was thinking of something vaguely similar, only the archaeologist would be a new charactger based on Lara Croft instead of Indiana Jones. She'd be a whiz at the sort of things Leela is, like piloting a ship or kicking asses, plus she'll have depth perception. I'm also picturing over-the-top Lara Croft-like stuff taken to their logical extreme. She'd be a rival for Fry's affections, and hilarity would ensue. I don't wanna give away the surprise ending. I'm thinking the video game Lara Croft rather than the movie version, which Fry hasn't had a chance to see.


« Reply #47 on: 12-22-2001 16:32 »
« Last Edit on: 12-22-2001 16:32 »
Hi.. May i say that these r just totally cool so you have got to keep them coming in to the forum!!!! O yeah and those of you faffing about not doing owt related to the topic *holds up fist ready for a bash on the nose* Oh yeah and you know those other smilies ie the one drinking coffee, how do you make them?  by the way... i was violently  this morning!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Chumpettes_Chum: you know those other smilies ie the one drinking coffee, how do you make them? We get them from special smiley sites on the net. One of the sites is: http://www.plauder-smilies.de

DOOP Secretary

You do knopw that Star Wars is American, right? I'd say that Star Wars has had just as much an influence here as Star Trek does. And trust me, there have been PLENTY of Star Wars stuff in Futurama.


Is Britian anything like Britain? Never been...
Zed 85

Space Pope
[Britian's much nicer  ] I told you it was all a crap idea... Yeah, of course Star Wars is American, I'm just thinking that there's so many British actors in Star Wars - usually playing Imperials - I made a link... Empire - Britain - [British Empire] ....*drivels on* Oh just screw the whole thing! (again). 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The Vulcans have a saying: "We aim to please".
How about the PE crew go on a good, oldfashioned treasure hunt? They find an old book in Farnsworths attic, and hidden in the cover is an old treasure map, made by the notorious space pirate: John, the Titaniumplated. And off they go.