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Author Topic: Simpsons HG Blob reference  (Read 1052 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 02-04-2005 14:27 »
« Last Edit on: 02-04-2005 14:27 »

Did anyone catch the reference? 

It was in a Simpsons season 13 episode.  Bart has a HG Blob figurine on the night table in his room.  Does anyone remember which episode this was from?

Makes me wonder...  I also recall the teenage geek in the Simpsons, attempting to commit suicide by jumping off Geezer rock and crying, "Why did they cancel Futurama?!"  This was in Simpsons episode #335, Fraudcast News[i/]. 

I would like compile a complete list of Futurama references in The Simpsons episodes.    There's two so far!  Any others?
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 02-04-2005 14:41 »

I don't remember which episode had the H.G. Blob, but here is a list of Futurama references in The Simpsons.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 02-04-2005 14:48 »

Didn't know about that one.... Thank you!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 02-04-2005 14:49 »

A season 13 episode did have H.G. Blob, but it was actually on a computer monitor at an internet cartoon studio in "I am Furious Yellow" (Bart makes an internet cartoon based on Homer, and Homer tries to deal with his anger).  Watch when they're repossessing all the stuff at the studio.

The one in Bart's room is actually a "Space Mutant" toy, which has an oddly similar design despite preceding H.G. Blob.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 02-04-2005 15:26 »

Originally posted by DotheBartman:
A season 13 episode did have H.G. Blob, but it was actually on a computer monitor at an internet cartoon studio in "I am Furious Yellow" (Bart makes an internet cartoon based on Homer, and Homer tries to deal with his anger).  Watch when they're repossessing all the stuff at the studio.

Interesting if true.   I don't think I have this in my list yet, I'll have pull the episode up later and check.

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