Bending Unit
« on: 11-16-2001 05:16 »
Direct from Fox in a snazzy press kit, here are the details for the UK Futurama DVDs! Release date: Jan 28th 2002 Price: £39.99 Disc 1 'Space Pilot 3000', 'The Series Has Landed', 'I, Roommate', 'Love's Labors Lost In Space' Commentary for each episode (doesn't say by whom, though) 4 deleted scenes Script and storyboards for 'Space Pilot 3000' Disc 2 'Fear Of A Bot Planet', 'A Fishful Of Dollars', 'My Three Suns', 'A Big Piece Of Garbage', 'Hell Is Other Robots' Commentary for each episode Season 1 trailer 2 deleted scenes (Amy fans note that neither is from 'Garbage', so Lauren Tom's credit for that episode - where Amy appeared but never spoke - will remain a mystery forever...) Disc 3 'A Flight To Remember', 'Mars University', 'When Aliens Attack', 'Fry And The Slurm Factory' Commentary for each episode 'Special featurette' (no details given - Matt Groening/David Cohen interview?) 1 deleted scene Stills and concept art - 44 pics and 4 video segments So there you have it! Better yet, I should hopefully have the discs in my hands in about two weeks! In your face, Gandhi!
any word on if/when the dvd's will be released in the us?
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by payndz: here are the details for the UK Futurama DVDs!
Release date: Jan 28th 2002 That's wierd, on the Flyer I got with my Simpson DVDs it said that Futurama season 1 is due January 29th 2002, it also confirms this date in a UK DVD magazine called DVD Review. Anyway the Futurama DVDs can't come soon enough if you ask me, let's hope season 2 is out by Christmas 2002.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Yes, one of the few advantages of living in the UK.
Wait, cant us USA people use UK dvds?
Btw, thanks for the news
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Yes you can, but you will need to pay to have a chip to be put into your DVD player to make it a Multi Region player, thus it can play DVDs from all worldwide regions.
Gila Monster
So it's not the only Season 1. It's 1ACV01-1ACV13, and imho that's fair.
Gila Monster
I wish they put there ALOT more deleted scenes. Also, who needs these interviews? More scenes! =P Well, it's hard to say that DivXed Episodes will look cool. For a DivX cartoon episode to look good, it must be approx 250-300MB. That's alot. I have couple of MPEG1 episodes, they also take 230MB each... If making DivXes smaller - they will be VERY ugly. I also have some DivXes The problem is that cartoons (especially Anime and Futurama/Simpsons too because they are alot alike, I mean "simple" drawing style) and these cartoons encode VERY badly, with lots of issues...
DOOP Secretary
my 80-90 meg .avi's are plenty high quality
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I don't mind if it arrives in the shops on the 28th because it's 1 day earlyer which is cool by me.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by VelourFog: i suggest those people get with the times and buy a DVD player. Well said, anyway the VHS's will be out aswell but does anybody want to spend a load of money on the VHS version regretting it a few years down the line when they have a DVD player. Get the DVDs...
I hope they decide to put a dvd release in America. I love futurama but never get to see it due to the fact that its on at a stupid time. So the DVD would allow me to watch it whenever.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I really hope the 1st season is a big seller because it would be a tradigy if the following seasons never made it.
Totally off-track, but when is ANSTATMAW getting updated again?
Enjoy the DVD's, hope they're worth the wait.
Can you already get Futurama videos in the UK? I can't find any anywhere and am getting withdrawl symptoms!!!!