


Liquid Emperor
***Futurama Trivia Champion V***Answer to Previous Question:Q18: Complete this 30th Century internet ad: "STEAMY ______ ______" A: "STEAMY PRESIDENTIAL MP3S". Announcements:Read and reply after answering. - I'm going to be offline for most of the evening. I'm going to post both Q19 and Q20 now. If any one answers Q19 before 7:15p.m.[pst] (That's 22:15 PEEL time), you will lose 10 points. If you answer Q20 before 8:30p.m.[pst] (that's 23:30 PEEL time), you will lose 15 points.
- You MUST put Q## before your answer to each question, i.e., "Q18: PRESIDENTIAL MP3s" (But only for Q19 and Q20).
- Note that you can continue answering Q19 until my next post, at 9:45p.m.[pst] (00:45 PEEL time).
Standings: -Eyedol7513: 60 pts. -MrMoose: 39 pts. -Beamer: 37 pts. -Yinger36: 26 pts. -DogDoo8: 20 pts. -M0le: 13 pts. -z0idberg: 12 pts. -OhSnap: 6 pts. --KittyKK-: 4 pts. -Big Petey: 3 pts. -JDB: 3 pts. -Guy Caballero: 3 pts. -Zoidberg227: 2 pts.
New Question:
+Q19: If you owned every Futurama calendar available, how many would you have?+
+Q20: How many new albums do the Beastie Boys have by the year 3000?+

Liquid Emperor
***Futurama Trivia Champion V***Answer to Previous Question:Q19: If you owned every Futurama calendar available, how many would you have? A: 6. Q20: How many new albums do the Beastie Boys have by the year 3000? A: 2. Announcements:Read and reply after answering. - I'd say it's safe to say you have the lowest score in FTC history, M0le. Try editing some of your posts, that's good for, what was it, -5 each time?
Standings:-Eyedol7513: 67 pts. -MrMoose: 49 pts. -Beamer: 37 pts. -DogDoo8: 27 pts. -Yinger36: 26 pts. -z0idberg: 12 pts. -OhSnap: 6 pts. --KittyKK-: 4 pts. -Big Petey: 3 pts. -JDB: 3 pts. -Guy Caballero: 3 pts. -Zoidberg227: 2 pts. -M0le: -12 pts. New Question:Bonus Question:+BQ3: Which issue of the Futurama comics made fun of "Family Guy"? Which two "Family Guy" characers were shown?+

Liquid Emperor
***Futurama Trivia Champion V***Answer to Previous Question:BQ3: Which issue of the Futurama comics made fun of "Family Guy"? Which two "Family Guy" characers were shown? A: Issue #3, Peter and Brian. Announcements:Read and reply after answering. Standings:-Eyedol7513: 67 pts. -MrMoose: 49 pts. -Beamer: 37 pts. -DogDoo8: 27 pts. -Yinger36: 26 pts. -z0idberg: 12 pts. -OhSnap: 6 pts. --KittyKK-: 4 pts. -Big Petey: 3 pts. -JDB: 3 pts. -Guy Caballero: 3 pts. -Zoidberg227: 2 pts. -M0le: -12 pts. New Question:+Q21: Complete this quote, name the speaker and the episode: "I've never seen anything so mind blowing! Ooh! _______________________!"+

Liquid Emperor
***Futurama Trivia Champion V***Answer to Previous Question:Q21: Complete this quote, name the speaker and the episode: "I've never seen anything so mind blowing! Ooh! _______________________!" A: A reception table with muffins! Announcements:Read and reply after answering. Standings:-Eyedol7513: 71 pts. -MrMoose: 54 pts. -Beamer: 37 pts. -DogDoo8: 27 pts. -Yinger36: 26 pts. -z0idberg: 15 pts. -OhSnap: 6 pts. --KittyKK-: 4 pts. -Big Petey: 3 pts. -JDB: 3 pts. -Guy Caballero: 3 pts. -Zoidberg227: 2 pts. -M0le: -17 pts. New Question:+Q22: How many Quatloos did Fry get for answering "Kahn" in Ambassador Sarek's Trivia Challenge during TrekFest 3002?+