Liquid Emperor
« Reply #161 on: 12-23-2004 15:30 »
« Last Edit on: 12-23-2004 15:30 »
^Dude, I just looked at the episodes last night, and saw nothing having to do with a hat, Leela, and an animal. Leela didn't touch any animal in "The Sting", except Nibbler and that Bee. And she wasn't wearing a hat in either circumstance. When she was wearing the veil hat, she wasn't touching an animal. In "The Farnsworth Parabox", she didn't have any hat, or came into contact with any animal. In "Leela's Homeworld", she wore a hat when she was a teenager, and the guy taking her picture wore a hat, but there were no animals in both circumstances. And the only other hat I can remember is when Violet came out of the sewers, wearing that wedding dress, with that hat.
So I don't understand any of your hints. Does it involve Leela wearing a hat, the animal wearing a hat, or both? Please give another hint, or another puzzle. If you do give another puzzle, please give the answer to this one.
^But all that is just my opinion. But I would like some things explained.
Bender Gets Made because in the others Fry doesn't wear his red jacket?
DOOP Secretary
My Three Suns, since Leela was wearing a lime-green tank top at the start?
DOOP Secretary
Alright. Another easy one:
Raging Bender Parasites Lost Leela's Homeworld Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles
HINT: Leela.
DOOP Secretary
Yep. Your go.
Delivery Boy
yessss I got it -I Second That Emotion -Parasites Lost -The Sting hint: food