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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #83 on: 10-30-2004 10:41 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2004 10:41 »
Damnit! Why do I always forget about this? No sense in me entering the competition, since 1 of 2 things will happen: 1) I don't win or 2) I win and forget to post a new situation. Edit: ahh, what the hell... Me: "You'd sacrifice my reward just to give a moderately-acceptable grade? You must've smoked some bad granola!" - Zapp, "The Problems With Popplers"
DOOP Secretary
Me: Finally, solitude. I can listen to my CD's for all eternity. (Finds CDs missing) It's not fair. It's not fair! Wait, casettes aren't that bad, I can still use my tape player. (Tape player breaks) It's not fa...Well, lucky I still have my old vinyl records. (Records turn to dust) Aughh! (For some reason my head falls off) Hey, look at that wierd mirror.
-The last man on Earth paraphrased from "AHitP"
DOOP Secretary
[Nixon]Thunder's back![/N]
Are there any good situations left? I guess it would be pretty good if you got kidnapped by Communists and were being transported on a slow boat to China.
Urban Legend
« Reply #104 on: 11-11-2004 01:39 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2004 01:39 »
Hey, I won back there like aweek ago...too bad I didn't check the thread, eh? I'm practicing my Canadian for when they institute the draft here.
Anyway, ***Read the footnotes as they appear***
Jane Fonda walks by for some reason Fonda: Are you okay here in the cell? Me: NO! There's no cocoa marshmallows, and every night the rats eat a little more of my foot!* Jane: You know what makes me feel better? Laughing at other people's misfotunes! Ahahaha!**
Fonda leaves and an hour or so passes Prisoner 1: I know, I'll get us out of here! Prisoner 2: Bah! No American could escape from here. Prisoner 1: Evil Knievel could! Prisoner 2: Nuh uh! Me: He's right. You'd need some sorta Commie. ...Ah, crap, I'm some sorta Commie!
Amy and Zoidberg, A Taste of Freedom Bender, TDHAIP Fry, Robot Santa, and Bender, A Tale of Two Santas
*Not sure if this is the line...I could never understand it myself. **I have it on the highest authority that Jane Fonda actually said this to American POWs in Vietnam. Commie bitch.
DOOP Secretary
Yeah, right Nerd-o. You were threatening to go to Canada if Bush was reelected...or maybe it was someone else. The point is, you're the winner. I didn't select your thing because of it's comical Hanoi Jane reference either. I liked your thing because it was the longest. Yes, I've rarely handled things as long as yours, and yours gave me great pleasure. I've known few things so long to be so satisfying.
DOOP Secretary
Actually it was from "Crimes of the Hot." I don't want to know what's in banana daquris if they were mining the garbage ball.
Me:[/i] (Speaking to despised tyrant glorious leader Kim Jong-Il on the phone) Conquered? In an atomic hellstorm? No, sir. I'm afraid I don't take much solace in the fact that the implosion triggers functioned perfectly.