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Author Topic: I Can't Believe it's Another Quote Game!!! 2nd try!!!  (Read 20348 times)
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Futurama Nerd

« Reply #280 on: 01-13-2005 11:08 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2005 00:00 »

Thank you swidzi    :D

As your walking in the parking lot all alone, late at night, you reach your car and open it. Just as your getting in, a masked man comes up behind you and puts a gun to your head. What do you do or say?

edit: TOTPD

Why do today what you can do yesterday with a time machine?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #281 on: 01-13-2005 13:41 »

ME: [yelling at friend who is nearby] *Friend* save me...and yourself I guess...and my banjo. And *Other friend*.

Bender, Brannigan Begin Again
Futurama Nerd

« Reply #282 on: 01-14-2005 23:09 »

I think I'll wait until more people reply before I announce the winner. Sorry Zeep.

« Reply #283 on: 01-15-2005 07:49 »

me: Hello

masked man: hand over all your money

me: I'm sorry i dont have any, the bank took away me credit cards.

masked man: Listen either you give me all your money or i kill you

me: Both good, the importent thing is im meeting new people

masked man: huh!!

me: So what are you up to after this, cos im up for whatever

Zoidberg: Bender gets made, Roswell that ends well

Futurama Nerd

« Reply #284 on: 01-16-2005 01:49 »

Markuskempus wins.

« Reply #285 on: 01-16-2005 11:41 »

Horray, people are paying attention to me.

Ok, your driving your car when you accidently smash into the car in front.  The man in the car in front steps out with his baseball bat in hand, how do you worm out of this

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #286 on: 01-18-2005 03:53 »

Me: Hey... you wouldn't hit a guy with Xray glasses!

Bender, HHRHGB.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #287 on: 01-18-2005 04:39 »

Me: My fellow motorists. Far be it for me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs. But is beating each other's brains out with a baseball bat really going to solve anything? This man is my friend. And though an accident has come between us, I say we'll always remain friends. And do you know why? One reason. (he hits me with the baseball bat) You bastard! I'll kill you! You bastard! (I attack him)
Man: Please, lady, I want to live! Can I use bat to protect head?

-Fry, modified, Why Must I be a Crustacean in Love?
-random Cygnoid, A Leela of Her Own

« Reply #288 on: 01-18-2005 04:59 »

This one goes to................ Tongue Luck, horray
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #289 on: 01-18-2005 18:50 »

Arg, I'm so bad at thinking of situations! Um, kay... You're being interviewed for your dream job. How does the conversation go?

Bending Unit
« Reply #290 on: 01-18-2005 19:21 »

Interview Lady: So, do you have any on-the-job time, such as internships?
Me: No... but I can do this! (pulls thumb to touch wrist)
Interview Lady: Well, do you have any money to pay for training?
Me: Not really...
Interview Lady:What about that dime up your nose?
Me: I wish... it's a nickel

Fry-(slightly modified) The Sting, Bendless Love
Professor-(slightly modified) Bendless Love

There, my first try ever and I'm not even sure I got the quotes right!
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #291 on: 01-20-2005 20:24 »

Bumped to remind people this game exists. I'll pick a winner in about 24 hours. If more people entered, that'd be groovy. Mad groovy.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #292 on: 01-21-2005 20:36 »

Most ungroovy. Procyon wins by default. You're up!

Bending Unit
« Reply #293 on: 01-21-2005 20:48 »

I wanted to win, but not by default. Oh well. Someone else can have my turn, maybe TL can go again, eh?

Urban Legend
« Reply #294 on: 01-23-2005 15:51 »

It's been over two days and I don't want this thread to die. So...

You just find out your girl/boy friend is cheating on you with your dad/mom.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #295 on: 02-01-2005 15:16 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2005 15:16 »

::re-animates thread:: It's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!!!

"You made me feel like a jerk for trusting you. Just like when my girlfriend Kelly swore she wasn't cheating with my dad and then she sold me my mom's VCR and then later I found out she was cheating with my dad. You make me ashamed to be your boyfriend."

 - Fry, "Hell Is Other Robots"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #296 on: 02-01-2005 15:22 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2005 15:22 »

Me: This is so unfair! I liked you back when you were a cyclops! My dad's only interested now that you have two eyes.

-Fry, The Cyber House Rules

« Reply #297 on: 02-04-2005 04:59 »

Me: Oh my God. What the hell have you done?

Girlfriend: Relax! I've figured it all out.

Me: That's my father you perverted dope!

Roswell that ends well - Bender, the Professor and Fry (modified)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #298 on: 02-07-2005 15:14 »

hmmm, this is one of my favourite threads so I honorarily choose Teral as the winner.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #299 on: 02-09-2005 16:46 »

Yay! Woo!

Your party just won the election. At the victory rally the leader suddenly pulls of a mask and reveals himself to be bloodthirsty alien, now with absoluty power.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #300 on: 02-09-2005 17:59 »

me: You saved my election! Please don't kill me!

bender, a tale of two santas.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #301 on: 02-09-2005 20:30 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2005 20:30 »

Takes off shoe and throws at leader.

Me: My foots cold!

William Shatner from WNFHGB.

Bending Unit
« Reply #302 on: 02-09-2005 20:42 »

Me: I congratulate our new blood-thristy alien president. May death come quickly to his enemies, which I am not. Please don't kill me!

Morbo (modified) A Head in the Polls

« Reply #303 on: 02-12-2005 06:21 »

Me: Run Awaaaaayy!!!

Bender: Spanish Fry

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #304 on: 02-12-2005 15:10 »

DogDoo8, come on down!!

'cause you won

Bending Unit
« Reply #305 on: 02-17-2005 12:25 »

Well, I think this game needs the kiss of life (and that's definatly not because I started the original, no sir!) So here's the new situation,
You and some friends are returning home from a night out on the underground/subway/metro, when all of a sudden, the train screeches to a halt and the lights go out, plunging you into darkness.

Bending Unit
« Reply #306 on: 02-17-2005 14:48 »

Me:  "Fix it! fix it! fix it! fix it! fix! it! fix it! fix it!.........Fix it! fix it! fix it! fix it! fix! it! fix it! fix it!"

Fry, A Clone of My Own

The above should be my official "attempt", but I also like:

Dean Vernon, Mars University

Bending Unit
« Reply #307 on: 02-17-2005 14:50 »

"oh dear lord im blind!" the professor in one of the episodes :P

Bending Unit
« Reply #308 on: 02-18-2005 12:41 »

Well, it's been about 24 hours, the winner is...... Chalic. You get to post the next situation. GO!

Bending Unit
« Reply #309 on: 02-18-2005 12:58 »
« Last Edit on: 02-18-2005 12:58 »

Wait....oh.....woohoo!  I think...

Your message failed to appear there before I posted FryDay, sorry. 

Gimme a few minutes and I'll come up with something.


Okay...Forgive me if something similar has already been done, but I haven't read the whole thread.  Hopefully not.

You come home from a night out with friends, tired, and a little tipsy.  Your boy/girlfriend who entered your apartment first, flicks on the light to reveal that your chihuahua has torn apart several pieces of furniture, along with your favorite sombrero.

<edit 2.....is it 3?>

Ahh....these friends and FryDay's friends met at the club.  That's why they're both just getting home...it wasn't just a coincidence that made me look painfully uncreative...no.

Bending Unit
« Reply #310 on: 02-18-2005 15:04 »

Leela in Bendin' In The Wind

Also, i haven't a clue what you're talking about on your final edit of your post, something about my friends?

Bending Unit
« Reply #311 on: 02-18-2005 23:25 »
« Last Edit on: 02-18-2005 23:25 »

Your example starts with saying the roleplayed person is coming home from a night out with friends, as does mine, and this seemingly blatent mimic of your post bothered me, as I like to be creative.

Not an insult in your direction, more sarcasm directed inward.  I don't know why it would be particularly confusing though.

Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #312 on: 04-17-2005 10:50 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2005 10:50 »

Sorry, Chalic and Fryday, but I haven't seen either of you in quite a while and I miss this game. If you show up, feel free to call mutiny and beat me to death in one of the internet's many dark, seedy alleys. Until then... *Hijack!*

While wandering what appears to be a friendly residential neighborhood, you and your friend are attacked by a pack of decidedly unfriendly wild dogs. What do you say/do?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #313 on: 04-17-2005 10:55 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2005 10:55 »

"Stop it, stop it, it's fine. I will destroy you."--Morbo, 300 Big Boys

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #314 on: 04-17-2005 11:02 »

"All right! Closure!"

 - Bender, "300 Big Boys"
Leela In Chains

Bending Unit
« Reply #315 on: 04-17-2005 11:28 »

"It'll take more than a few deadly deadly bees to--OH LORD!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

- Previous P.E. Captain, "The Sting"

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #316 on: 04-17-2005 13:14 »

"Seymore, I really hope that is you. Because if it isn't... arghh... we're in trouble."

Fry in "A Pharaoh to remember", altered to fit the dog part.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #317 on: 04-18-2005 13:10 »

For skewing one episode to reference another, and making me confused and slightly sad in the process, GFF takes it. Now use your crazy German robot mind tricks to think of a new situation!

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #318 on: 04-18-2005 18:42 »

Me? Whoo...

ok imagine:
"You're on your way home from a hard day at school / university. (Something along: 12 hours of maths, computer science and economics).
You are really pissed and exhausted from it all, yet you do have to take the most crowded subway train ever to get home. After leaving the station, and driving about halfway through the tunnel, it suddenly stops with the emergency brakes. It rests there, about 20m / 215 feet under the surface.

What would you say/think/scream...

Btw.: I don't need to imagine that, it just happened to me.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #319 on: 04-18-2005 19:34 »

"Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"
- Fry in "The Sting"
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