Liquid Emperor
« Reply #200 on: 12-20-2004 19:18 »
« Last Edit on: 12-20-2004 19:18 »
Salesman: DVDs. So fresh you can still see the shrinkwrapping. [I look at the DVDs.] Me: Nope, uh-uh, eww! [I pull out a photo of me and Slurms McKenzie holding a DVD and point at my DVD in the photo.] Now look, this is the DVD we want. Did you sell it to somebody? Salesman: I'm sorry sir but due to the perverted nature of our business, customer records are strictly confidential. [My friend punches him.] Right this way. [Cut to: Back Back Room. The salesman pulls another curtain across. In the room is a TV and a wall lined with video tapes.] Salesman: I video tape everyone who comes in here so I can blackmail them later. [The crew gag.] Hey, I'm a porno dealing monster, what do I care what you think? Here's the weirdo who bought your DVD. -Fry and Salesman, Spanish Fry woo! TOTP Stealing GFF's GIFs:
Originally posted by DogDoo8: I'll be in the Angry Dome.
I use this on a regular basis when dealing with my neices. BTW this thread is top-drawer funny.
DOOP Secretary
Sung -------- Me: I want my box set!
Some guy: Never! A sale's a sale, even with a crooked buyer.
Me: Very well, then I'll make this a bit more dire! Your girlfriend has promised me her hand.
The girlfriend: Some guy, you do not understand. I should have revealed I'd been blinded by Thunder, The shame, The shaaame, But I feared you'd stop stealing me DVD wonders, Paying for discs make me want to chunder, He gave me some webcam-ish eyes, They're grainy and just a bit scary, In return without shedding a tear I agreed that I'd give him my hand...
Me: ...In marry...age. You'd give me your hand in marriage.
Chump in line #1: Is this all been scripted or is just on the fly?
Chump in line #2: It can't be real...
Chump in line #3: Not in the middle of Best Buy.
The girlfriend: That isn't what I meant, That isn't what I signed.
Me: You should have checked the wording in the fine... Print!
The girlfriend: I'll give you my hand...
Me and The girlfriend: ...In marriage.
Some chump in the reference book aisle: The use of words expressing something other than their literal intention, Now that is "irony!"
Me: I will marry her now and confine her to hell, How droll, How droll! She'll be freezing forever In a Mich'gan city, And not in a mythical obscurity, Unless I get my DVDs!
Some guy: Destiny has cheated me by forcing me to make preferred, The woman that I idolise, Or the DVDs of a giant nerd, Without these discs I can't pretend that I was ever entertaining her, But if I keep them, And she marries him, Then he probably won't want me nailing her.
Chump in line #2: I can't believe that Thunder is so self-behooving.
Chump in line #4: I can't believe that this checkout line's not moving!
Preacher: By the power vested in me, By the state of Michigan...
Some guy: No! Stop! Take your discs! You flabby, geeky man!
Me: (Maniacal laughter then I chop off Some guy's hands for no reason.)
Urban Legend
« Reply #203 on: 12-21-2004 16:36 »
« Last Edit on: 12-21-2004 16:36 »
@DrT: Very nice indeed. However; been there, done that ______________________ (I start a spontaneous protest)Crowd: (chanting): What do you want? Me: Futurama! Crowd: (chanting) When do you want it? Me: Futurama! Crowd: Yay! ______________________ - Fry, crowd in "Jurassic Bark"
DOOP Secretary
There are books at Best Buy. I'm left to assume they have some reference books.
Me: Is anyone here not a corpse? Corpse: I'm not a corpse.
-Fry and a lamp paraphrased from "Mother's Day"
DOOP Secretary
It's Christmas Eve and you forgot to get a present for someone you really wanted to give a present to.
DOOP Secretary
JBERGES, I'm giving you the next turn, but only because I forgot to get you a present.
Me: Alright, it's New Years Eve, I've got no date, a 2 litre bottle of shasta, and my all New Years mix tape. Let's rock.
Fry from AOI2
You know DogDoo8, I was going to do that exact same thing as you wrote! WIERD!!!
Cool!! Okay, You walk into the newest shop in the city. 2 minutes later when you're browsing some objects in the DVD section all the alarms go off and big, tough robot-bodyguards surround you! What do you do/say?
DOOP Secretary
Guard: He's making a break for it. Get him! Me: No, I was just picking my nose. Guard: He's picking his nose. Get him!
-Smitty and Fry from "Bender Gets Made"
Friend: Sweet lion of zion! They're on the roof!! Me: Oh my God!!! Aliens... possibly from space!! Friend: What do you want? Aliens: Quarters!
Hermes fron 'Xmas Story Leela from 'AOI2' The washing discussion from 'AOI2'
Me: What's this, two meals in one week?!
Zoidberg from 'AOI1'
DOOP Secretary
Me: Mysterious stranger, I am shocked. Newspapers go on the porch; threats and fish go in the trash!
-Bender paraphrased from "AOI1"